Forum: Lawson S3 Procurement

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Deleting old Match Purchase Orders    

Started By  Boyd
We have Match Purchase Orders that require receipt. Closing these requires toggling between multiple screens, obtaining receiver numbers in PO64.1 and reversing the receivers in PO33. A mass job here capturing the receiver numbers, reversing the receivers and essentially closing the PO’s would be great. If not, a job that could at least automatically capture and reverse the receivers is would be very helpful.
6 9898 1
by  DebEJump to last post
9/9/2010 2:49 PM

Capturing Data on Buyer Messages    

Started By  Victoria
Management has requested that we track how many buyer messages are created in a day, week, month; how quickly they are worked, and time frames on completion. Does anyone have any processflows, sql queries, or crystal reports that they have used to track this type of data
5 7821 1
by  JonAJump to last post
11/16/2010 7:30 PM

Using Lawson EDI with GHX    

Started By  Saurabh
Hi All, Our organisation is looking to implement EDI ordering and invoicing using GHX-UK as our main trading partner. I am interested in having some feedback from people who have implemented or are in the process of implementing the EDI Basic module within Lawson. How easy or difficult it is to use as well as administrator on a day to day basis. We have been advised by GHX-UK that they will be able to take most standard EDI format files (inc those supplied by Lawson) and convert them ...
2 15722 1
by  SaurabhJump to last post
9/9/2010 7:49 AM

RSS RAD Tracking error    

Started By  mark.cook
After installing LSF901ESP6 environment, new MSCM, new RSS, WAS 7, etc. I have the DSSO application installed so that RSS can access MSCM rad tracking. It still prompts the log in screen. We have been working with Lawson support for a couple of weeks but no resolution yet. Did anyone have issues with installing the DSSO with RSS RAD tracking
2 4121 0
by  mark.cookJump to last post
9/23/2010 11:30 AM

What is a custom req?    

Started By  willz06jw
Hi and thanks for your help, I have a quick question: What are custom requisitions Are they similar to the PO15 shopping lists Thanks for your help, willz06jw
0 3820 1
10/6/2010 12:00 PM

PO20 Search - PO By Descending Date - Vendor name missing    

Started By  Kamal
Did an MSP upgrade to the client from MSP4 to MSP8 in 9.0.0. During the integrating testing, found that the Vendor name during the PO search by descending date is missing. This used to display in MSP4. Is there a CTP avaible for this Thanks Kamal
1 4036 0
by  Jimmy ChiuJump to last post
10/19/2010 6:12 PM

LOGAN Message not found    

Started By  goyapr
We are getting this error message for one user. 'LOGAN Message not found' The strange thing is that the user can log in to another machine, with the same user/password for Lawson, and it works fine.
4579 0
by  goyaprJump to last post
10/19/2010 7:45 PM

PO100 - PO23    

Started By  BZuck
Need help in understanding PO23: Lawson 9.02 Using RQSS for Purchase Orders. ISeries When I request a PO for 6 items one item will drop due to insufficient information i.e vendor. The item will show up on PO23. PO 100 runs and a PO is generated for 5 of the 6 items. Is there a way to append the item in PO23 to the po generated from PO100. I need help in understanding PO23. Thanks in advance
2 5215 0
by  Bob BeverleyJump to last post
11/1/2010 4:37 PM

RSS - Passing a parameter in URL string    

Started By  Lance Kelley
Anyone know how to pass a parameter to RSS I know we can use a URL to call RSS from the browser such as: http://{server name}/rss/html/index.htm ...and I've heard that a parameter can be passed using the additional syntax RQH-DELIVER-TO=JOHN (for example) to result in a URL string like: http://{server name}/rss/html/index.htmRQH-DELIVER-TO=JOHN ...but it doesn't work for me. The RSS screen is called, but the parameter isn't passed. Is it overriden by another setting in a config, X...
4621 0
by  Lance KelleyJump to last post
10/26/2010 2:22 AM

Matching POs across Companies    

Started By  Eddie Smith
Has anyone found a way to process and match a PO across companies We have a situation where the company issuing the PO is not the one that will be paying the vendor. The PO is issued by one of our subsidiary but the payment must be done by our corporate office, since the payment is being made via an international wire.
1 3375 0
by  JonAJump to last post
11/4/2010 1:27 PM

Who is using Contract Management?    

Started By  Zeke
So who is using Contract Management What is the community's thoughts on this product Is it stable and worthwhile Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
3848 2
11/3/2010 2:57 PM

PO20 Replace Item Unit of Measure Error    

Started By  Rick Holland
I was looking for a patch for a unit of measure error my buyers are receiving when they replace a item with another item number that does not have the same unit of measure as the original item on the requisition. What I found was a article on the knowledge base (article 5367593) saying that this is a valid message.Now I am trying to understand why Lawson would want PO20 to act in such a fashion. I do not care what unit of measure was on the original requisition I just want to maintain the link...
1 3910 0
by  JonAJump to last post
11/16/2010 7:18 PM

Order items from one department and have them charged to another    

Started By  JimY
Hello, Is it possible to have items set up that are ordered from one department, but expensed to another department. Our Pharmacy want's to have Nursing units order IV solutions through Requisitions, but have the amount charged to them. I thought about setting up a different requesting location with the pharmacy account defaulting for that, but it could get confusing for those doing the ordering to make sure they select a different Req loc for the items. Any Ideas Thank you.
3 3739 0
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
11/19/2010 1:56 AM

Pharmacy Orders and Federal 340b Program    

Started By  JonA
The question was posed to me today regarding how to run pharmacy orders through Lawson that have special pricing through the Federal 340b program. We have 2 hopitals that qualify to participate. This special pricing is granted to patients that are non-Medicaid and non-inpatient. Anyone out there particpating in this and running PO's through Lawson
2 4082 2
by  JonAJump to last post
12/20/2010 2:15 PM

EDI X12 format for PO and Tax    

Started By  Saurabh
Hi All I am looking for some information of how the tax is handled with respect to the EDI PO file which is generated from the lawson S3 edi module. We are starting to implement the EDI here (this is on 8.1 MSP5, on LSF9.0.4) for PO and cannot see any tax value in the EDI output file is that normal any experience anyone can share regards Saurabh
2 4061 1
by  SaurabhJump to last post
1/5/2011 9:33 PM

Owens & Minor EDI - one acct. - multiple companies    

Started By  Duane
Apparently there is a way to configure EDI so that multiple Lawson companies can share one account number. We went live today with a configuration which does not process 855 po scknowledgements. Lawson ED502 has built the PO122 file in a way that all POs are lumped under one company and no POs are found. Is anyone working under this arrangement Can you share your EDI configuration with me Thanks!
6 5638 1
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
12/16/2010 3:33 PM

Lawson, Cerner PharmNet (Procure), and Amerisource Bergen    

Started By  JonA
Looking for those in the healthcare industry that are using Cerner Pharmnet for pharmacy and possibly using Lawson Punchout to ABC. We are discussing the possibiltiy of using Punchout for ABC (and possibly other pharmacy vendors) and interfacing Lawson to Pharmnet to push the order into Procure where pharmacy does inventory/cost tracking. Please contact me.
0 5385 0
1/7/2011 4:02 PM

Best Practice -- Receiving FREE Inventory Product on a PO    

Started By  Paul W
I would like to get some feedback on how others process free inventory product. The following are some of the parameters that we are working with in this type of situation: 1) The product is an Inventory type product 2) We receive FREE product based on how much we procure with the vendor; so the sipments will be sporadic and vary in quantity 3) The vendor requires a Purchase Order to ship the free product on 4) We want to have one Purchase Order to have the vendor ship on. We are looking at th...
3 3377 0
by  JonAJump to last post
1/19/2011 12:36 PM

RSS - Required fields    

Started By  Sam Simpson
Please forgive me because I'm not really familiar with RSS or where the screen is located. I'm not sure if I have to use the rss_config.xml to hid or make a field required. The problem is I want to make the comment field a required field and I don't even know what the field name is. I suspect this is an attachment field in RQHEADER but how do you reference it as a required field Thanks for any hlp on this. Sam
3 5010 0
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
2/21/2011 9:35 PM

Contract Management    

Started By  Bruce
I am told that there are just 3 clients live on LCM and am wondering who has investigated the product and why more clients haven't implemented it. Is the problem the Landmark environment compatibility requirements or is it the product unacceptable for some reason
4 6454 1
by  JonAJump to last post
2/2/2011 3:24 PM

PO254 Vs PoLine for a Vendor    

Started By  willz06jw
Hi, I am trying to make a report that reads the data from POLINE that matches what PO254 spits out. Currently I have: PURCHORDER.CANCELLED_FL = 'N' POLINE.QUANTITY POLINE.CXL_QTY POLINE.COMPANY = 1000 PURCHORDER.RELEASED_FL = 'Y' Any ideas why the value that shoots out is significantly larger than the PO254 for the same vendor/time period
0 4021 2
2/22/2011 4:43 PM

AP Invoice Release Date field    

Started By  L G
Hi I was trying to search the Invoice Release Date in the AP system for a Purchase Order but apparently Lawson does not store AP release date in the AP system as per Article 5353456 and 5413640. Is there a corresponding Match date on the MA system or PO system that can be used as a substitute for the AP Invoice release date. If so can you please let me know the table/field that stores match date and the relation between APINVOICE and the corresponding table in PO or MA system.
0 5687 0
2/28/2011 1:35 PM

No Charge Item & AOC    

Started By  hoka
Hello All - I am new to Lawson & new to Lawson Guru, and want to thank evryone for thier posts, as it has taught me some handy tricks!!!! My question revolves around No charge Items & AOC. The vendor is charging us the shipping of the items, but the cost of the item is zero. How do we go about adding the AOC charge
0 6103 0
3/2/2011 5:18 PM

Does anyone utilize Lot Tracking within Lawson?    

Started By  TBonney
We have been asked to investigate the feasibility of using Lawson for lot tracking and tracking down items when recalls are received. In researching what we could find on Lawson and Lawson Support about it, there is minimal information, but judging from the screen help information, this does not seem to be a very effective way of tracking down recalled items when notices are received. Does anyone out there actually use Lawson for Lot tracking If so, is it even possible to track multiple ...
2 4234 1
by  CameronJump to last post
3/8/2011 3:54 PM

Sourcing a nonstock item from separate PO Locations    

Started By  Cameron
Our FBP boutique orders some of the same supplies that our FBP unit orders, but the boutique orders for resale at a different cost. We have two shipto account numbers for the vendor for ordering the items for patient use and for resale. We need to be able to source the items from separate PO locations based on the requesting location. Am I stuck maintaining a par location as my only option We are 8.03 apps, and I know that in 9.0 you can have special order items on a template. So I assum...
1 3524 0
by  JonAJump to last post
3/22/2011 11:45 AM
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