Can reqs with a status of Processed be deleted?

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Bev Edwards
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I have a user asking to have 2 reqs deleted that have a status of Processed. Of course, Lawson will not allow this action.

She is saying itscCausing a commitment problem for Finance and they are not able to pay against the activity number.

Is there a solution to this??

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You probably have orphaned commitments. This happens when changes are made to an item on a PO that's tied to an activity prior to releasing the PO. The RQ commitment becomes "disconnected" and isn't relieved when the PO is released. The only way I know to fix this is to use a quick paint screen on the ACCOMMIT and ACCOMMITX tables. I'd work with Infor support to identify the records that need to be deleted.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health