Designated Requisition Days

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(Simple end user here.)  We are using Lawson 10.1


We use Requisition Center.  Daily, we run WH130 (Pick list print) and WH32.1 (Shipping feedback by document) to pull the supplies requested by the departments and then close that document.

Right now, it is set up in WH130 to pull ALL DEPARTMENTS.  I would like to have designated days for designated templates.   ie- I would like to have a Job Name set up for MONDAY and it would only pull those templates/people that are designated for Monday. 

If I can't have designated templates, I could manage with designated departments.  Templates is preferable because we have Housekeeping that orders for many different areas.  Each area has a different order day but they all get charged to housekeeping. (I could set up separate templates for the different areas but the department number would be the same.)  I thought it might be possible to do by Requestor, but one person may requisition for many different areas on different days. So that is not ideal, but not off the table.

I don't know how to accomplish that.  If we need to do an entirely different process than WH130/WH32, I'm okay with that, too.


Thank You!!!

Bill Ianni
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I implemented a similar set of rules for ranking offsite facilities for allocations and deliveries.  To do that, I created a handful of Attribute Lists for the Requesting Locations that I wanted to group into Delivery 1, 2, 3, etc.  (see attached).  Next, build a WH110/WH130 ob for each List and schedule the jobs accordingly.  The ReqLocation List is a parameter on WH110/WH1130.

When I did this, I applied the lists to WH110 becasue I didn't want my SOH allocated to the remore sites before it was allocated to the main campus.  That is the only reason why I mention WH110.  But if you are not concerned about the allocation priority, you wouldn't need to apply the solution to WH110. You can apply the List parameter(s) to WH130(s).  

Kat V
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What Bill Said.

You can flag the RQ01 req locs to the days you want and create a location list that you can filter the wh130 jobs for. You will need to periodically run WH221 to see items that are allocated but not printed to make sure you haven't orphaned anyone, but otherwise it works like you'd expect.

Edit - just looked - you can also use attributes on either the IC11 or IC12 to create item lists and filter the WH130 by items - that's less known to me.