Does anyone utilize Lot Tracking within Lawson?

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We have been asked to investigate the feasibility of using Lawson for lot tracking and tracking down items when recalls are received. In researching what we could find on Lawson and Lawson Support about it, there is minimal information, but judging from the screen help information, this does not seem to be a very effective way of tracking down recalled items when notices are received. Does anyone out there actually use Lawson for Lot tracking? If so, is it even possible to track multiple lots at the same time on those inventory items for which multiple shipments are received on a regualr basis? Also, is it possible to determine specific inventory or par locations to which the individual items were deliverd (by lot), as opossed to simply being able to verify that the lot was received in recieving at some point in time? Any ideas or feedback would be appreciated. Thank you.
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I started my preliminary research for Lot tracking, attached is a fact sheet I located for version 8.1
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We actually use lot tracking for a small number of items; mainly human tissue implants. The table WHSHLDTL does keep the lot number that was issued for a certain shipment line, along with the requisition number. You would be able to write a report quite easily to give you the requisition and requesting location that the item was issued to. I'm not sure if there is a canned report or form that will tell you this info.