Finding the field length

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Bev Edwards
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Is there a way to locate the field length for any field on any Lawson form?

I'm looking specifically for the Vendor name in PO25.6, however it would be helpful if there was a way to find the length of any field on any form. 

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Posts: 3
Hi Bev,

Not sure if this is universal, but if I have my cursor selected in a field and hold CTRL Shift and the letter "O", I will get a box that shows the details of that particular field. One detail in the box is size which to my understanding is the max character length.

R Phillips
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We are on an older version of Lawson. We use the same CTRL Shift and the letter "O", but our information shows on the status bar at the bottom.
Kat V
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Ctrl+Shift+O is the default for Lawson.  If your organization messed with the hotkeys - you'll need to go to Help -- Hotkeys and scroll down to find 'Display Field Information'


In anything on Landmark - GHR/CloudSuite/IPA - it's Ctrl+Shift+LeftClick and then a popup for Field information appears.