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Bev Edwards
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The HCPCS code looks like it can be loaded as is, but I'm not sure how the UNSPSC codes can be loaded into the individual categories.

The field help doesn't show anything for these f4 field of Segment, Class, Family and Commodity.

GHX is providing the file from Nuvia that contains the UNSPSC codes. They are 8 digits in length.

There is one code that is numeric, but the individual categories have a title.

Does anyone have a process they can share on how they load these codes into Lawson?

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The UNSPSC, even if presented as an eight-digit valued, is truly four pairs of digits. If I understand the question behind the statement, "the individual categories have a title," that is kinda' true. That is "Segment 42" relates to Medical Products and Segment 51 is generally Pharmaceuticals. In the eight-digit format these would be represented as "42000000" and "51000000". (Or if you prefer, "41-00-00-00" and "51-00-00-00".)

I suppose you can load the UNSPSC reference values based on what you receive from Nuvia, but I would suggest going direct to the source (UNSPSC.org), and get a full version. Then, we use MS Addins to load the values into the IC16.1 (UNSPSC Product Codes). To parse out the components from the eight-digit format, you can use the following Excel formulas:
Segment - =TEXT(LEFT(A1,2),"00")
Class - =TEXT((MID(A1,3,2)),"00")
Family - =TEXT((MID(A1,5,2)),"00")
Commodity - =TEXT(RIGHT(A1,2),"00")
where "A1" represents the cell that the full UNSPSC code resides.

I hope that helps,
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Kat V
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You have to create the UNSPSC in IC16 and you have to build it for Segment then all Families then all Classes then all Commodities.

For example: UNSPSC 42131501 (Patient Bibs).  In IC16 you have to build 42000000 (Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies); 42130000 (Medical apparel and textiles); 42131500 (Patient clothing) and finally build 42131501 (Patient Bibs).  GHX should be able to provide a UNSPSC load file.

I use Excel to break the 8 digit code down to the 4 pieces.  (See attached.)
