Multiple PO25 agreements for an item

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If I have an item in Lawson listed under 2 PO25 agreements, how does Lawson know which one to use when creating PO? I was under the assumption it would use the lower price agreement. Both agreements seem to be exact in nature with the exception of the price. However, PO's seem to be using the higher price agreement. I cannot put the higher price agreement ON HOLD because there are items on it that are not on the lower price PO25...if that makes sense.

Should I change the Priority level under Header Type Specific from a 5 to a 1 on the lower agreement?



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Your settings in PO01, Default rules, Cost default will control what is selected first for pricing in Tandem with the Vendor default setting for Requisition or IC142. With multiple contracts for the same vendor, Lawson will pick the lowest PRICE regardless of UOM. So an EA of 10 and BX of 5 for 45 will pick the EA contract every time unless your VPA is set to UOM must match and USE UOM of Y on the PO25.1 screen which will require the UOM on the line to match the UOM on the VPA.
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Oh, priority header on the VPA header and any participants or Purch from Loc set on the VPA also impact the VPA selection.
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Thank you