PO line order when using PO23

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This morning one of our buyers asked me why the lines on a PO weren't in the same order as the requisition lines that were selected in PO23.  I had always thought the order was random.

Here's the scenario.  We have a TAVR program and when the procedure is done the Cath Lab submits a bill only requisition for the consigned items used in the procedure.  The vendor requires that the items are entered in a particular order on the PO- procedure device followed by closure device(s).  The requester enters the items in the correct order. The buyer enters the req number in the document field, RQ in the system field, PO number that was given to the rep in the PO field and inquires.  Then flips the Select All Items flag to Y and hits Change.

Should the lines on the PO be in the same order as on the req?  Does the number of req lines affect the order?

Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
Kat V
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Last I checked was v9, but PO100 *was* sorting Item Type, Item number. So all the I's went first in Lawson order and then the N's in Lawson order followed by the specials in alpha order. It's also likely the order the items are displaying on PO23 when your buyers are looking at them. If you can get them in the right order on PO23/POINTERFAC table, it should add correctly.
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Like you said Kat, the order as the buyer is looking at them. After I posted I started playing in test. By default items display in PO23 in item number order which was how they ended up on the PO when the buyer added them. But when I changed the Sort By to vendor, since these items were all to the same vendor, PO23 resorted them in the order as they were entered on the req. And that's the order they were added to the PO that time.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
R Phillips
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Jon, Just running into this issue and your message was a big help. Our AP department was having a hard time since the invoices were coming in with the original, requisition order and are not matching to our POs. Being able to keep those lines from sorting is a big deal for them. Any chance you found out how to default the sort order to Vendor during this process, so the buyers do not have to remember to do this?