We upgraded from v9/On-Premise to v10/Cloud in September. When I ran PO135 for September month end, I noticed there were a bunch of lines from the time we went live five years ago to present day, that were not on the report from previous months. After looking into these PO lines, most appear to be Matched, Not Received issues and then there are a handful (from what I have seen so far) that actually have a Closed status. I have an incident open with Infor and they claim that "this is a common scenario after the upgrade of the system". He said the report now does a deep analysis in all the fields on different tables such as PORECLINE, PORECEIVE, POLINE, PURCHORDER and is checking if all the data is synced and when it's not, it shows up on the report.
The process to fix these would take me quite a while. He said for noninventory items, back the receiver out and re-receive. For inventory items, back the invoice out in MA75 and re-add it.
Has anyone else experienced this? I went through all of the release notes that I could find and didn't see anything that would make me think we would get different results on our PO135.