po20 -- hospital number in the vendor number

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Does anyone know why when there's an item in the item master that it puts the hospital number / lawson number in the the vendor catalog number field in po20?

I used to think it was if a number has more than one catalog number associated with it ie if you added another catalog number to the same hospital number by simply putting the old one on hold. But now it just seems kind of random to me when it does it.

Kat V
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Yes - if you attempt to put an item master item on a PO for a vendor with no PO13 record or if there's an issue with the price file - Lawson can't figure out the part number and puts the item master item in the ven item field. We have it where we are changing the vendor from distribution to direct for backorders etc.
Erik G.
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Kat is correct. I have ran into that issue before and its always because the PO13 record was missing for that particular vendor.
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By the by it also happens when a buyer hard codes an item on the line of a PO while the rest of it was inventory or non stock. I guess is doesn't know what you are doing so it can't pull the item master information from a typed number