RQ01 Stockless Flag

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We are a stockless hospital with very small storerooms for backup/emergencies.  Since we went live in 2012, we've had our RQ01's set to Stockless Flag Y because we have a variety of stockless contracts.  This has always worked for us.  

Now, from an incident I've had open with Infor since October, they are claiming we need to change our RQ01 stockless flags to N in order for items to process correctly from contracts that are not stockless.  The ONLY items that were not processing were the items setup as No Charge on the contracts, which used to work fine up until this past October.  All other items are processing correctly, but if we change those flags, there will be many problems.  We upgraded RQC to version 10 in our test environment because they originally thought that would solve this no charge item issue.  Essentially, the issue exists for us with RQC 9 and RQC 10.

Does anyone have any input on those flags and what is working for your facility, if you're stockless as well?

Kat V
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Is this Contract Management or just PO25?

We do NOT have Contract Management but we are JIT and our req locs are all Stockless N. So are all our PO25s. We control it with participants. I don't have any info on Contract Management interfacing with this.
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We use both Contract Management and PO25. The contracts in question though are in PO25.

Do you have a storeroom with inventory tracked items? If we changed our flags, even if the requesting location is listed as a participant, it tries to pull certain items from the storeroom instead of direct on a PO. Do your requesters use RQC or RQ10? We use RQC.
Kat V
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We use RQC. Setups:

Our OR is 66040 - the central supply stocks them but uses ROR as a par stock on IC81 - so it's two different Req Locs. 66040 is tied to a from location with no IC12 entries. ROR is tied to the central supply as it's from location.

We have some items that do what you're describing - but I didn't associate it with the stockless flag. We copy the PO25 to PO15 with the company and from loc on the PO15 blank. This forces the line to look at RQ01 for a from loc - triggering Create PO flag to Y.

Our PO01.4 pull vendor from Header, Vendor Agreement, Item Source and pulls purch from from Vendor Agreement then Item Source.