Has anyone leveraged the Excel Add-Ins tool to Delete/Add AU's within the RQ04 table? I was hoping it would be an easy mapping, but it appears not. I tried utilizing a PT-Accounting Unit field logic like other problematic Position-To tables such as REQ LOC, but it still does not work. Quick rundown as follows:
Have several hundred old REQUESTERS with REQ LOCS and AU's populated that are inactive and were never used. I want to cleanse the system of these junk records, but am required to delete the REQLOC and AU fields to do so.
When I run the Add-In, I populate the upload with f2 REQUESTER, f31 (H)PT-ACCT-UNIT = AU I want to "Position-To " and delete, f84.0 LINE-FC-A1 = "D" to delete. Due to the AU being inactive, it fails and lets me know the "AU ####### is inactive". The change does not go through, but I can manually Delete the AU and REQ LOC, click change, then delete the requester without issue. (EDIT: I have also attempted to run this same upload detailing the REQ LOC (f7 REQ-LOCATION) as blank value. Do to the error of "REQ LOC INACTIVE" if I try and change the AU independently.
I DO NOT want to have to do this several hundred times. Please, greater LawsonGuru minds, help me solve this easily. Any insight would be appreciated.