When Special Item Validation is set to Warn or Deny can the message users see when they try to order an item that's already in the IM be edited or changed? Below are the standard messages. We'd like to change the word Deny to Notice but not sure if that's possible.
Warn - Users are warned that the special
item already exists in the item catalog, but
you have the option to add the item from the
catalog instead.
Deny - Users cannot add a special item
because it already exists in the item catalog.
You still have the option to add the item from
the catalog, however.
Does setting this to 'deny' actually stop the requester from adding the item to a req? We had this set to 'skip' until last year when we changed it to 'warn'. When we tested 'deny' the message wasn't any different from this and it didn't stop me from adding the item to the cart.
We finally tested and this is the message when it's set to Deny.