Balance Sheet Report

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    I am new to Lawson  but knows Crystal Reporting.  I was asked to create a balance sheet report that contains current

    and prior year balances.  I am not familiar with the General Ledger tables.  Can someone get me started on which

    tables to use to create this report??

    Veteran Member
    Posts: 97
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      There are several tables needed. IT all depends on how many charts you have also. We have more than one chart so we have to make sure to do a selection on the chart name or we get duplicate entries. You also need to create a formula field to get the balance as Lawson holds it in seperate buckets by period and by credit or debit. I do have an example of that I could send you if you would like. But to get the balances for GL we used the following tables:
      GLNAMES, GLMASTER, GLSYSTEM, GLAMOUNTS,GLCHARTDTL,GLCHARTSUM. You may not need all of these if you only have one chart name.
      John Henley
      Posts: 3353
        Re: Balance Sheet Report (9018a425-15c2-408d-a4e3-4037787a1fdd) <!-- Converted from text/plain format -->

        I have one for sale on the store. 
        John Henley

        Thanks for using the forums!
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          Thanks Tracy,

          Please send me all the information that you have to the email below!!


          Ruma Malhotra
          Veteran Member
          Posts: 412
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            The quickest way is to create an RW100 report. This would be the easiest.
            Veteran Member
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              I'll provide you with the information...for free.


              I can walk you through RW100 or tables.
              Basic Member
              Posts: 8
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                Thanks Tracy, I got your information.  K-rock if you can provide me with more information and  on the tables and sample sql  it will be appreciated!!  I have to used the tables to create this report not rw100.


                Basic Member
                Posts: 8
                Basic Member
                  Hi Tracy,

                  Just reading an older post regarding the Balance Sheet.

                  I was able to create the formula field to get the balance.

                  I was unable to generate a report using the summary accounts (that is, have a list of accounts (account descriptions) and then subtotal at "Total Assets."

                  If you are able to share any documentation, I'd greatly appreciate it.

                  Thank you,


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