Change GL10 Period Close from Final back to Limited

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Chris Puckett
Basic Member
Posts: 10
Basic Member
    We had a GL manager do a "final" close on GL199 for December 2008 and now we need to post an entry to that month.  Has anyone ever done this?  I figured it's not something recommended by Lawson given the fix probably entails changing a variety of flags.
    Chris Puckett
    Basic Member
    Posts: 10
    Basic Member
      UPDATE - I did receive the proper steps from another source. It involves updating a few flags on GLSYSTEM and GLCLSAUDIT.
      Diane Ettinger
      New Member
      Posts: 1
      New Member
        Hi Chris.  We just encountered the same problem in Version 9, which allows you to run the final close option of the GL199 as a one step process.  Could you share your steps to undo this process?


        Adam Jacobson
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 69
        Veteran Member
          I have regrettably had to do this on multiple occasions. More because we have an elimination company we keep and over the last several years the client has adjusted (several times) how they want to report and we have to make adjustments going back to 2003. It's not pretty.
          It also depends on how many period you've closed an whether you've closed year end. but basically:
          1) Update GLSYSTEM. Set the period end dates and the per_end_code to the appropriate value. You may also have to adjust current period open and last year closed. I would suggest setting the period that was mistakenly close to fully open to make the next step easier.

          2) delete your glclsaudit records for any period improperly closed.

          Again, exactly what you need to do depends on where your problem was.
          Good luck.