Initial Ledger data load

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    We are just starting the learning and data migration for M3/S3 etc. The Accounts people tell me they will soon have a chart of accounts loaded, but I am looking for how we load Opening balances, and journal postings from our legacy system, not having much luck.....We have licked the item master, customers etc pretty well, but this area is a bit more elusive.

    Anybody have any wisdom they could share in this area please?
    Veteran Member
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      You'll be happy to know that loading historical entries in Lawson is fairly straight forward. On the Lawson Product Documentation downloads site you will find a Financial Conversion Manual as well as a spreadsheet which you can use to load data in GL65 GLTRANSREL. After you load the data into GL65 you will run GL165 in report mode to see if there are any errors.
      New Member
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      New Member
        Thanks for the above, big help. Should I be looking in the same place for info on loading other financial stuff like unpaid invs to supplier, and unpaid customer invs?

        Veteran Member
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          You are going to use AP510 for vendor balances (1099 stuff) and AP520 for unpaid vendor invoices. I would advise you to use import db for the major stuff and then learn to use the XL add in for the minor changes. This way when you go live your end users will already know how to use the add in for journal entries and invoices. Someone posted today in the XL add in forum a link to Lawson Professional Services (LPS) add in templates;

          Your AR conversion instructions are in the Financial Conversion Manual.

          good luck

          Veteran Member
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            Couple of points, you can load balances with the GL167 (Balance Conversion) or GL165 (transactions). Depending on how much data and the level of detail you may work with one or both of these.

            You may also want to look at the corresponding programs in activities should you use those for capital or project tracking.

            The AP info (1099) needs to be concidered in relation to the go-live date as jr mentioned above with the AP conversion programs. Some places I have been paid out the old system and only built new transactions in Lawson. You will have to do some make some business decisions around this but either if workable.
            Adam Jacobson
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              You can also load balances using GL67/GLMASTREL.

              However, I would strongly urge you to convert everything as a journal entry. If/When you try to reconcile something years down the road, its nice to have transactions for everything rather than just a mysterious balance.


              Adam Jacobson

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              Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 9:35 AM
              To: Adam Jacobson
              Subject: RE: Initial Ledger data load [00006610:00008861]

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              RE: Initial Ledger data load

              Posted by: jrbledsoe001
              09/21/2009 09:35 AM


              You'll be happy to know that loading historical entries in Lawson is fairly straight forward. On the Lawson Product Documentation downloads site you will find a Financial Conversion Manual as well as a spreadsheet which you can use to load data in GL65 GLTRANSREL. After you load the data into GL65 you will run GL165 in report mode to see if there are any errors.



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