Anyone seen any doc/forum or ppt that talks or explain about features/enhancements in applications 9.0 from 8.0. We are only using the financials modules. Just need to know how much training (if any) the users need to go through before we cut over to 9.0 apps. Thanks.
Yes, that seems to be the only way to get there. Anyone has a cummulative list for 8.0.3 apps to 9.0.0.x list that they don't mind sharing or sending . Understood that a lot will depend on the users for each community/company as to what makes the most business sense to them. We only use S3 Financials (AP, AR, BR, GL, CASH).
Thank You.
Maybe not the entire list .But if someone had the main new functions/highlights of Apps 9.0 Vs 8.0