Need more than 30 characters for Vendor Name

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Sam Payne
Posts: 5

    We are getting positive pay exceptions because the vendor name is too long for the 30 character limitation in the vendor master. How can we use a larger vendor and insure that it will print on the AP check?

    John Crudele
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 50
    Veteran Member

      We use the Legal name field it allows 80 characters

      Sam Payne
      Posts: 5

        Will it pick up that name on the Check?

        John Crudele
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 50
        Veteran Member
          If you use AP155 for check printing it will not pick that field up

          If you use AP160 or AP161 the field is available, What program do you use to print checks.

          We use MHC Document Express and all we have to tell them is the fields we need to print on the check and they create a check printing routine
          Sam Payne
          Posts: 5

            We use AP150 and AP155. We use formscape to print the checks.