Report giving details of Actual and Commitments for an Activity

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    Hi All
    This is on LSF9.0.0.4, 8.1 MSP5.

    I am looking for a report which gives breakdown of "Actual" and "Commitment" for an Activity Group/Activity.

    I am able to get details of Commitments via AC298 but can't seem to find anything for Actuals.

    Any ideas?


    Sherry Shimek
    Advanced Member
    Posts: 43
    Advanced Member
      Did you try AC295?

      Here's the form description: "Run Activity Commitment Summary (AC295) to print a report that summarizes
      activity commitments with actuals and budget data included. Commitments are
      activity transactions released in any originating subsystem but not yet posted
      to Project Accounting."
      Sherry Shimek Catholic Health Initiatives Englewood CO
      Veteran Member
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        Yes i have.
        But that gives me "Summary" and i was after the "Details" - as the AC298 provides (for commitments) but for the Actuals
        Jimmy Chiu
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          Ruma Malhotra
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            ACTRANS with status "9" wii give you all the actuals for every activity. There is no report that I have see in lawson that delivers this information correctly. However AC290 is the closest but it amy not have everything in it.
            Kevin Hagan
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              AC290 is the canned report which provides the detail actual transaction information.
              Veteran Member
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                Thanks all. AC290 seems to give me the details.
                Ruma Malhotra
                Veteran Member
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                  Sometimes I find that the AC290 may not contain a je that was entered directly into the AC system on AC40 which was psoted by the AC190 and from time to time I check the ACTRANS table for a status of 9. But this happens only when there are no subsytem entires and direct je entries into the system.
                  Veteran Member
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                    Thanks Ruma, will keep that in mind.

                    Are these AC Misc journals which do not come through or or AC-GL Misc ?

                    I have a few invoices which should have been coded to the project (e.g A) but have instead been coded to Project "NPS".

                    I was going to do a AC only journal so as to reflect the Actuals against these.
                    Guess i will have to make sure i check and ensure those have come through else will need to create a separate report for user to reconcile those