Writing an Income Statement in crystal

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    I have an RW100 income statement that works, but it takes 8 hours to run. I would like to rewrite this just using the lawson tables in crystal reports, but i'm having trouble with the grouping for my subtotals. I've read a couple posts that said they were able to create a view using the rwrowdet file to control the grouping in crystal, but I'm not sure how to do this/what fields to use. If anyone has information on how I could do this or a diffrent way i could write this I would greatly appreciat it. I know crystal is not the optimal tool for writing income statement, but i have to use this tool so it can be bursted to LBI.
    Veteran Member
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    Veteran Member
      We handle this using attributes at the account level. In MX00 we create an attribute (FINACCT1) and assign values For Assets (A100 - A999) , Liabilities (L100-L999) Revenue (R100-R999), ect. Then in the Chart (GL00) we assign the proper attribute at the account level. In Crystal, I then group by the attribute.
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 49
      Veteran Member
        We use crystal reports mostly for our lawson reports.. we have a few reports left in RW.. this is because we have a more complex reporting needs than what RW can handle.. If I am the one creating this Income Statement, I will use the GLCHARTDTL and GLCHARTSUM to manage my grouping.. by using these tables I will free myself from maintaining/updating the report every time there's a new account added.. I hope this helps you.. Good luck