We're planning a go-live with LTM/HR on Landmark and a lot of people in my organization are wondering what others are doing for their end-user (employee) UI. We have EMSS on S3 and ES/MS on LTM but Infor has also told us of an HTML5 solution ... but even keeping within what we currently have, there seem to be a lot of options on this (EMSS, ES, ES via Ming.le, etc). I'm thinking that we would just send folks to a URL that points to a rich client applet and let them use Employee Space but that brings up concerns about workstation Java versions, etc. Just looking for any input on what others are doing with these products as far as their standard employees UI.
Walter Sanders
Navicent Health
All of those assessments are correct - you'll need to go to Java1.7, websphere 8.5.5 and upgrade to 10.1.1.x/Tm10.2.x at minimum for a functional HTML5 interface. We're deploying the Landmark HTML5 ESS/MSS (as we call it) now, and it's quite buggy.
Configurations are inconsistently passed between the HTML5 UI and the Rich Client app config console, and it's very all or nothing in regard to restricting certain functionality.
That being said, it's very promising, and if you customize the HomePages.zip file it can actually be very pleasant looking. But it's definitely got it's rough edges :)
Another option you may want to look into is deploying the rich client via citrix. We do that, and it meets the needs for most users.
Peter O, just wondering how's your experience with LTM ESS on HTML 5 now, is it still buggy? We are using the java web applet which is rich client and java issue and slow page loading is the problem. Can you share how is the performance and if there any tweak you did. thanks
We didn't get nuts with the style sheet but what I did was change the persistent menu links via the LPL for "LCMEmployeeMenu" (via the customization console in landmark).
As far as their stock look (all white, some grey) we just went with it, though that can be changed via the CSS in the site directory : /ENV/src/ltm/modules/hr/webapps/EmployeeSelfService/src
I did add the S3 links for payroll data (pay checks, direct deposit, payment calculator, withholdings).
Only problem was when clicked, the entire page was replaced with the S3 link, losing the persistent menu, logout, etc.
To get everything under the menu, I added some javascript to the welcome.html page that parses url parameters and pass what page I want to go to, then replace the innerHTML of the class 'inforScrollableArea' with an iframe that loads the S3 page (the iframe gets you a scroll bar in the sub content). Then the actual link is a link to the HTML5 EMSS with the appropriate parameter.
To make it all "live" you redeploy it via : enterprise app hcmapp