Mass Upload New Hires into GHR

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    We are looking to mass upload new hires into GHR.  Has anyone done this?  I am thinking we need to create a process flow to upload from files submitted to us.  Probably should have separate files for Employee, EmployeeContact, EmployeeAddress, WorkAssignment.  Is anyone else doing this?  Should we be looking at something other than process flow?  Any tables that I am missing and should consider?



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      You can use IPA to read a file to initiate Action Request forms. That is how we bring our recruitment actions into LTM for hire, rehire and transfer. We load with the recruiter as the initiator and let the form route back to the recruiters so they have one final review before approval. This helps with last minute supervisor, schedule, date changes. However, if you use IPA to initiate an action form, I believe the field defaults have to be replicated with value lookups in IPA. We like loading the forms so that the application logic takes care of populating the various tables natively once approved. This also records regular actions for turnover, exports, history, etc. If you wanted to push the data in without review, you could create an Action Extension version of the form and tie it to the ImmediateApproval flow.
      Kidd Kasper
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        Just curious, is there a reason you couldn't use Infor Spreadsheet Designer?
        Beth E Edwards
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          We've used Infor Spreadsheet Designer multiple times to load new hires in mass and it works pretty well. You I was able to load all details we needed with 1 upload spreadsheet.
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            Spreadsheet designer does work for a basic hire, but we want more automation.  We have a high volume of rehires, so the IPA does multiple types of potential duplicate checking.  Also, the IPA does data quality checks on the inbound files.  We run in 3 scheduled recruitment action files per day.  One inbound file feeds in 3 action types.  The workflow approval  also sets related dates based on our rules.  This way our recruiters can complete a time sensitive hire process without waiting on someone else to load data.
            Basic Member
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              Gina, could you please send me some more info on loading new hires with action request forms? I am about to tackle this task and thought I would be using the various import business classes, but there are quite a few and they have to be run in order, etc. I'd really like to hear more on your method!! I just need some high level directions.

              New Member
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                Hello Beth -

                we are looking to use spreadsheet designer to upload mass new hires, would you mind sharing the template you use? We just recently moved away from S3 and are trying to find a work around for new hires until TA is up and running.

                Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!
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                  JD, I tried to message you in system to share contact info, but got an error message.  Can you message me with your contact details?
                  Basic Member
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                    Hi Gina -- Thanks for trying anyway! -- my contact # is 910-200-8483 -- I'm still very interested in seeing what you did! I get the same error when trying to contact you via the board...
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                      Gina, my email address is if you prefer to make contact via email.

                      Roger French
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                        Gina, I am trying to perform the same type of action in GHR of uploading several employees using IPA.

                        My email is: Can you please contact me at that email address to discuss that process? 

                        Thanks very much for your assistance.



                        Posts: 5
                          Sorry to piggy back onto this thread.  Could someone share a template that they have used to mass upload users into GHR using Spreadsheet designer?
                          New Member
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                            Good Morning -


                            I created the attached template which worked for me, you will have to tinker with it to match your defined data sets.

                            Xavier Pratt
                            New Member
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                              Hey guys, a little late and off camber, but what are some solutions to using spreadsheet designer to add multiple Actor Context profiles to multiple users?