In trying to file 1094s, we have been receiving errors. The person uploading indicated it said address errors so she went through and corrected everything that stood out. Unfortunately, the exact records are not named in the feedback.
Long story short, she called IRS and was told this:
I just got off the phone with the IRS and through conversation I was informed that I would need to run my BN299 data through a parser which will “read” the file and determine if any of the data is not recognized by XML. Once I identify if there are any errors with my data and correct them, I need to rerun my BN299 in replacement mode and try transmitting the updated documents.
If the Parser does not report any errors in my data, I was told that we would need to go back to the vendor because the problem is a software problem. She gave me the example of “maybe a field was optional last year, but is required this year and that field has not been included in the software”.
There is a publication on the website titled Publication 5164 which provides several types of parsers that are available to use. I was told we can pick whichever one we would like out of the section for XML Editors with Validating Parser Support and work through the instructions to figure out how to use it.
Does anyone have any advice on how to fix this? Has anyone successfully filed their 1094s this year?
Sample Report attached.
Email: jabeard3 at and I'll send you the program and instructions.
Thank you