ACA - Rehire from 1 process level to another

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Kristie Starzyk
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We have multiple situations this year where we have employees who are terminated in 1 process level, then they are rehired in a different process level as benefit eligible.  Their 1095 is going to generate a 1H, 2A not covered not eligible 1095 for the old process level that they weren't even active in.  They are obviously getting a 1095 in the process level that they are current receiving benefits in. 

Is there a way to suppress this without having to put their whole record as No Print on BN99 and recreate the whole thing as a resource on BN95?

We have the 1095 records going off of HR History.  Does someone do it a different way and get different results?

Margie Gyurisin
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Was their service in both PLs in 2018? Can you override values on BN27? Those overrides won't show on BN99 but should affect your BN297/299 output.
Kristie Starzyk
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They were only actively working in 1 process level. Example.... employee was terminated in PL A effective 1/3/2017. They have been rehired in PL B effective 3/15/2018. Since they were sitting in PL A, they are getting a 1095 generated that show they were not employed, not covered in PL A, and also their true 1095 for PL B showing their coverage starting 5/1/2018 - 12/31/2018. I just think the first PL 1095 is a waste and is not needed. I know that I can suppress the whole BN99 and create a resource with the 1095 we want, but that to me seems like extra steps.
When we run the BN990, we go off of HR History.... do other companies go off of ACA hours?
Kristie Starzyk
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We are actually testing out marking their unnecessary 1095 as a void on BN27.2. Anyone try this option? I ran the BN297 and BN299 in TEST and the employee we tested it on is not showing up on either report now.