Affordable Care Act 1094/1095

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Margie Gyurisin
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It is my understanding that it will. Just curious, what data do you manipulate for IRS? We don't do anything special for our tax filings today.
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Hi Margie. Sorry for the confusion. I didn't mean that we manipulate other data that is transmitted to the IRS. I was simply referring the the fact that the form data for 1094/1095 production still needs to be manipulated in order to successfully print the forms. Therefore, I was wondering if the same was going to be necessary for the electronic IRS files as well.
Margie Gyurisin
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You've distributed 1094/1095s in the past? This is our first year and we are counting on the Lawson solution to meet our needs. Unless, you are referring to the fact that you will need a third party solution to actually produce the forms, which is true. We will be using our W-2 parnter, MHC.
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No, we haven't. It's our first year also. That is exactly what I was referring to and we too will be utilizing MHC.
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Has anyone been able to create an output file for the 1094/1095 forms?  It is my understanding that Infor will have Phase II available next week.  I am stuck on the BN149 and I am looking for help.   
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We just had Phase II patches loaded this week.  Here is where I am at....

Last year I used the LAWSON_PRTIME table and did a 12 moth look back to identify anyone that worked an average of 30 hours.  We offered them benefits and manually entered them into the BN32.2 screen and it was just health offering. 


I did the same process this year.  We have 2 health plans; Prefered (lower costing, higher deductible) and Alternative (higher cost, lower out of pocket).  FT EE (which include 1.0 to .9) receive a lower rate than PT EE (.5-.89).  So our PT threshold is 20 hours per week, which is lower than the federal requirement.  We also have .4FTE grandfathered in at a higher cost than the PT EE’s.  


We have 6 PL under 1 company 1000.  We produce w-2 based on the PL that the EE has worked. 


I have done the following..

  1. Set up ACA pay class in PR20.1

  2. Added the same pay codes that I used in the look back analysis PR20.3

  3. Set-up BN15.5

  4. Set up BN19.3 costs.  We also have a wellness discount that I need to reflect the employee only cost. See chart below





























  1. Ran the BN954 in update which moves the ACA hours

  2. Ran the BN729 appended the exceptions (not all but a fair amount to test).  Here I have lots of questions…..

  3. Moved the ACAOFER file and imported using the BN529

At this point the data looks good.  I have start dates and costs.

  1. I now am running the BN990 using option 1 and the file is not including costs and also only creates one record by process level reflecting the EE’s current PL.


Here is where I am stuck.  Opened a case with Infor but I am getting no response.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

Bob Canham
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What are your offer codes on BN15? If they are 1A offers (meet MEC) then the cost will be blank. For the process levels, there are two ways to calc that field. When you run the BN990, it lets you choose to run by HRHISTORY or by ACA Hours. If you run by HRHISTORY, it will look at PL changes in teh employee's history and use the reporting entity that the employee was in at that time. If you use ACA Hours, you need to run the BN996 which will look month by month and create the 1095-C codes for the reporting entity that had more hours. If they flip back and forth, you will see 1H/2B codes for months where they had lower hours in that reporting entity.
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I have used 1A for offer code and 2H for safe harbor and I have used these across the board except for the safe harbor on the waive plan.  I have run both HRHISTORY  and ACA hours and it produces almost the same results.  I thought that I read using HRHISTORY, the logging needed to be turned on.  The ACA hours will produce hours by process level so I believe that is the way I should run. 
Jennifer Burke
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Can anyone explain the use/need for the "1095-C Plan Start Month" field under the Options tab of the BN299?
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