BN990 Safe Harbor Codes

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Kristie Starzyk
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This is our first time running 1095C's in Lawson as we went live with Lawson February 2016.  I'm running into many questions on the BN990 report.  Infor Extreme is not answering me, and I'd like to get an answer sooner rather than later.

When employees are enrolled in medical coverage the whole 12 months, they have an Offer Code of 1A on the BN990, but the Safe Harbor Code is blank.  Shouldn't it have a code of 2H (or whatever the Safe Harbor Code is on the ACA set-up on BN15.3)?  I'm afraid to run BN990 in update to see what my next step is with this Safe Harbor code being blank. Can someone who did this in 2016 give me some tips and tricks?  I know I'm not too far from the end of this process, and I've been stuck on this for weeks now.

Again, I realize 1095's do not have to distributed to employees until 3/2/17, but I'd rather get them out sooner rather than later.

Thank you in advance for your help!

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Last year I noticed the Safe Harbor code was missing for 1A offer codes when processing BN297. Here's the response received from Infor: The IRS made a change in late January where an offer code of 1A does not require an employee cost or Safe Harbor code.
Kristie Starzyk
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Thank you for your quick response!  So how do you have your people enrolled in waive plans coded?  The way we were told to set up waive plans on BN15.3 as

Self Insured: blank

Priority: 9999

Offer Code: blank

Safe Harbor Code: WV

So when I run the BN990, I can't see a difference between someone who has medical insurance coverage all 12 months or someone who has waived medical insurance all 12 months.  I'm thinking maybe I just don't have something set-up correctly on the BN990.  I'm not getting very good direction from Infor.

Sorry for all my questions.

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This is correct. They should be the same because your company did offer them, just that they chose to opt out.
Kristie Starzyk
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So how did you set up your BN990?  It seems like every different option produces a different report. Are you filling out information on the Options Tab and Enrollment Tab?  I think they best report I've been able to produce has information on both those tabs, but I'm not sure if that's correct. 
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I filled out everything under the Options, except the Rerun Options section. On the Enrollment, I only include my plan codes.
Mark L.
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When we run our BN990 we don't fill out anything in the Enrollment tab. We run it wide open so it pulls everything from BN29/95 to BN99. Also, no need to worry about running it in update mode, you can always re-run it. We've had to do several re-runs (sometimes on individual employees) as we correct their BN29 or add them to BN95 (we put our cobra enrollees on BN95).