% Change in a Pay Rate History

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I know the percentage change/increase for a pay rate history is shown on the screen in employee self service. However, I am not able to locate where this value is actually stored. It is not in the PRRATEHIST table where I would expect it to be. Can any one please advise where this value is stored (or advise if it is actually calculated when the page loads in ESS)? Thank you.

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More than likely, this percentage is recalculated each time the form is displayed. Lawson takes this approach with several fields in the data dictionary.
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Thanks jaherb. I am struggling to accept the fact that this information is not stored anywhere, especially since I thought the rate itself was required when inputting the information on the PA for the review and the pay raise. However, since there's been over 40 views of this post and nobody other than yourself has provided any response, maybe this is true. I'm a little disappointed, but oh well. :-(
Karen Sheridan
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The ESS page is taken directly from the token PA67. In looking at the code for PA67, the percentage change is being calculated by the program.
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I know this post is old but wondering if anyone knows how to modify payratehistory.htm to show all pay rate changes for the employee, it appears to only show the primary position changes based on the htm code.