I have recently discovered that when our AP folks get a credit memo from a vendor that was originally paid off a PO, they are entering the credit memo invoice as a negative expense with no PO (we call a payment negative or not a direct invoice when there is no PO associated), because the system will not allow them to enter it against the PO, meaning they get an error and cannot move forward.
This is causing an issue with Agreement values, more so than Standard POs from RQC. If the original charge was applied against the agreement, then if a credit memo is received and not applied to the agreement cancelling out all, or a portion, of the original payment, when the new invoice with the correct charges are applied to the agreement, if have double charged the agreement.
I am hoping this is a system set-up that we can change and allow credit memo invoices to be entered against POs both with the handling code of MAT (Matching) and SERV (Service only).
If this is not something that can be fixed in the system, how do others handle/process credit memos and keep an audit trail and maintain the correct spend on agreements?
It has been a while since I have reviewed these steps and I am not sure if something has changed in system, but did you click on Inquire after you were transferred to MA42.1?
Hi Jeremy,
I am sorry to report, I have not traveled down this rabit hole any further as I felt it was a deadend; however, I will try to help navigate with the knowledge I currently have.
On step #6 you selected the return number on the Misc tab. Did you enter the original PO# as well?
In step #7 after clicking Inquire, did you put an X in the FC code to select the line and enter the QTY you are returning (if not all 10)? Did your orginial invoice have AOC and/or Tax AOC applied? (you might need to click on the AOC button at the end and credit that as well?)
Beyond this I am not sure I can be of any more help, it might be worth an Incident ticket with Infor to see if maybe it is a system glitch.
Please report back if you find the solution, I know I would be interested in the results and I am sure there are others as well!
Thank you!
We are on version 10 and I don't know if there is a big difference, but under Action I have a caluate rate option, maybe after selecting the line you need, you need to 're-calculate the rate' then try to match?
I really wish I could be of more help. We are starting implemention of the contract management model in a few months and credit memos is on my list of things to master before the consultant is done. I will provide any and all findings when it happens! Until then, hopefuly someone else has some answers.