Implementing Multiple Positions

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Deb Roberts
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We just upgraded to v10 recently and are looking to implement multiple positions.  Currently, we allow 1 position per employee.  We are looking for guidance from organizations who already have this in place who can provide us with considerations in setting it up.  Specifically, any lessons learned, things to watch out for or things you would have done differently in the implementation phase. 

Thanks in advance.

Karen Ploof
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Hi Deb. I would be happy to talk, but my experience is with S3, not GHR. If you are using GHR the functionality may be very different.
Kari T
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Hi Deb!  We are a 30,000+ healthcare organization currently on GHR V10.2 (currently upgrading to 11.0.2).  We do utilize multiple positions and I would be happy to chat with you about our setup, how we got here, things to keep in mind, etc.  There are A LOT of benefits to doing this as well.  You can contact me at if you'd like to set up some time to chat.




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I have had experience from my former company with multiple positions in TM to S3.  My current employer has one to one positions and we are currently looking at changing to multiple positions too.  I know it can be done and if anyone has questions please let me know.

I hope you don't mind I would like to piggy-back on your question and throw this out there on this topic as related to Payroll--I'm mainly HR.  How does Payroll handle multiple W4s for multiple positions?  We have doctors that are in two positions, but the positions report in different companies and EINs.


Kari T
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If the employees have multiple roles within the same EIN, they all are on the same W4. Same type of situation, however, if they are in different companies with different EINs, they will receive W4s from both companies at the end of the year.
Brittany G
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I'm looking for information also with multiple positions.