We currently have Lawson HR feeding the time Accruals back to Kronos on a weekly basis so that employees can look at their balances in Kronos (using Lawson Time Accruals).
As Lawson decommissions Time Accural we are tasked with should we go with Kronos's Time Accrual for our needs or Lawsons Absence Management module (and continue to feed the accruals to Kronos).
Our Requirements: "Family Medical Leave Act" eligibility and history tracking, based on Federal, State and Local requirements. Auto enrollment into plans Plan transfer management and automation (no manual intervention) Employee hour donations management Ability to have balances show up in Lawson Employee and Manager Self Service Ability to have separte accruals for employees by position (hosptal needs) We need to accrue at any time, ot just after or before running a Lawson Payroll. We need to do a rolling year in figuring out the eligiblilty. We need to track intermittent leave. We accrue hours and earnings. We accrue based on the Hire Date We have different set of rules for our various unions and employee groups. Rules consists of Accural rules, Eligibility rules, Negative balance Rules, GL Rules, Payroll rules, Service rules and Carryover or Rollover rules We need to display leave balances on the paychecks. We also still need to feed the PTO liability back to our Lawson Financial system. What have you decided to do now that Lawsons Time Accrual prior to the decommissiong. I had talked to the Kronos Rep and the Lawson Rep and they both seem that they would meet our needs (but I believe they are trying to make a sale). Just trying to obtain some advice from others that have been there. I would also love to hear WHAT REALLY INFLUENCED YOUR FINAL DECISION. Thanks in advance. [b] [/b]