Current State: We have around 200 individuals who work at different legal entities within our one Health System (different hospitals - one health system).
Each person is given a different employee record in Lawson for each different entity they work at. An entity is loosely defined by Employer Identification Number (EIN). If they work in multiple - we give them multiple employee ID's and if they transfer from one to another - we give them a new employee ID.
We are looking at the possibility of combining the multiple employee records into one and using multiple positions to manage when they work at multiple entities.
However - we want to maintain separate pay checks for each entity. So if they work in two - they would receive two paychecks.
Another wrinkle is that each entity has a different bank AND each entity has it's own - separate - time keeping system.
I have my own thoughts on if/how this would be possible. However - I would like to know if anyone out in Lawson/Infor Guru world has ever set something like this up and/or has this type of setup now.
Any feedback/thoughts would be appreciated.