PA113 - Retroactive History

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We are at App V 8.1 and do not have a clear understanding of the PA113 and thus oops - have left it alone for years.  Could someone possibly help me understand [1] why one would choose to move retroactive changes/actions to history in the first place, [2] if they are moved to history, does that mean they action/change will not be processed by the system until the PA113 is run in update mode, [3] if you change your history default from create pending records to move to history error - what does that really mean - is the system still processing the action and finally [4] unfortunately our PA113 is now several hundred pages long - what would be the repercussions of running it wide open without review - can you provide an example of what might go wrong?  Thanks so much - I know this is a lot, but we need to finally get a grip on this process and unfortunately what I've read at the support site only confuses me more.  Thanks! Judy
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Good morning, Judy - sorry to hear about your anguish! PA113 will basically update your position history records when you've entered retroactive actions.  If you choose one employee on your PA113 and compare it to the position/job history, you will more than likely see that there are actions that have different values and/or dates when you compare the two.  If you drill on the employee, you will also see the option to review "retroactive changes".  Running the PA113 wide open without review will potentially change rates of pay, etc. that you may not want to have as current values, depending on the option that were chosen when the retro change was initially entered, what your default special processing option is (found on HR00).  Moving retro changes to the history error table allows you to actually retrieve the data if needed (as opposed to reversing an action which leaves no trace that it happened). Unfortunately, it sounds like you have a pretty big mess on your hands.  If you have the resources - and usually, that's the users who are most familiar with the actions and paperwork, personally, I'd hand a chunk to each and have them review the PA113, and delete anything that may be hanging out on PA55 that you don't want updated.  As we've had to do here, I'd also get someone who understands special processing, and make sure your business process follows your "rules" for entering these types of changes.  I'm not sure what you've looked at on the support site, but there really are some good KB articles if you search on "special processing", which provide info on each of the types.  Good luck - unfortunately, you need it with this one.
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Thanks for the insight Stephanie - you've given us a lot to think about. 
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You're very welcome! There's a lot to think about relating to the special processing function. Personally, I almost wish Lawson had never added the functionality. We've had our share of messes to deal with, too, so I feel your pain. We've taken away the ability from almost all of our users, becausei it's dangerous in the hands of someone who really isn't familiar with what can or cannot be accomplished. Again - I wish you the best of luck!
Phil Simon
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I would concur with Stephanie, as I usually do.  Many times, end-users don't understand PA113 and "blow away" all retroactive changes without addressing them.  Often people just look at these edits as "nuisances" that stand in the way of processing retroactive terminations. I would test these scenarios extensively.
Phil Simon
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Thanks everyone for your valuable feedback. We are laboriously reviewing the PA113 now.
Susan Poncini
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If I'm not mistaken, you can run PA113 in report mode.  If so, I would recommend that you do this first to see what you're dealing with.

Best of luck to you!