Retro Benefit Deductions and Refunds

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Terry Wilson
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I am curious how others are processing retro benefit deductions and refunds.  When we were previously on PeopleSoft there was delivered functionality to calculate any retro benefit deductions or refunds to employees.  In Lawson the Benefits Department is spending a full day manually calculating deductions and refunds to submit to Payroll for processing.  Curious how other Lawson customers are processing these.
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We have the same issue. We have a 3rd party enrollment vendor and each month, we have a large number employees with retro active position changes which affect their benefits-eligibility. By the time our vendor feeds us the elections, the employees are already one or two payroll deductions behind. At this point our Benefits department is manually calculating the any retro/refund amounts and entering them in PR39. I'm interested to know if anyone else has been able to automate this process.
Ragu Raghavan
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I developed an IPA for a client to do exactly this. Look for any recent changes to BENEFITS, and if the employee has any payments on or after the effective date. If any of the payments did not have the correct deduction taken, create an adjustment via PR39.
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I need to pay an employee back for his medical coverage, but because his medical is set up twice on PR14. It won't let me reimburse him. Any advice?