We are in the process of implementing the INFOR suite of systems Version 10 (LTM for HR, S3 for Finance, Supply Chain, Benefits, and payroll, WFM for Time and scheduling). Has anyone experienced issues when using special characters in any of these applications? We are concerned if special characters in the codes or names will impact us interfacing to outside vendors or data being passed to other INFOR systems. Please see some examples below:
Thanks and I look forward to hearing your responses.
We have seen issues caused by the special characters Kwane listed when creating/parsing ags calls, using microsoft add-ins, and especially when they are typed into comments fields in Lawson Financials (? and & in particular). You'd do well to heed his advice to avoid them.
This is the equivalent of the XKCD 'Little Bobby Tables' cartoon ( https://xkcd.com/327/ ). Any arguement value that contains a character that is reserved in URI protocol is going to cause a problem unless you pre-emptively percent encode it ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding ) or otherwise protect it from actually be seen by the HTTP server as that special character.