We're getting ready to stop giving elec remit advice on paychecks and force everyone to use ESS. The only problem, you can't see the time accrual data per check.
I've been hunting around trying to alter the paytyear.htm file to retrieve this data. I'm not totally understanding the DMEObject functionality. I've simply added this (fixed from previous post. I apologize for that):
var TimeAccrual = new Array() function MakeTA() { var taobj = new DMEObject(prodline,"emtatrans") taobj.out = "JAVASCRIPT" taobj.index = "ettset1" taobj.key = company+"="+employee taobj.field = "ta-hours;plan.plan-name" taobj.select = "type=TE" taobj.max = "100" taobj.sortdesc = "plan.plan-name" taobj.func = "DspEmtatrans(true)" taobj.debug = false DME(taobj,"dmedata") TimeAccrual=self.dmedata }
I'm attempting to create an array of EMTATRANS data that contains two fields for each entry found. I want to display the SICK and PTO time accrued. Below this I would hope I could say TimeAccrual[i].ta-hours and TimAccrual[i].plan-name.
Something's obviously not right. I get a javascript error when I run this ("Object doesn't support this properly or method"). I'm trying to use basic things I've found about using the DMEObject functions. Any ideas?
8.0.3 apps and env.