What if we dont upgrade from 9.0.0 to newer version after May 2016

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We are currently using Lawson 9.0.0. We are planing to upgrade from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1 or 10 or 11 (not decided yet) beginning in march. As you know 9.0.0 is expiring in MAY 2016. But am afraid that we may not be able to complete the upgrade by MAY 2016. If we don't complete the upgrade, what is the impact? What I want to understand is that what are our options if we are still using Lawson v900 after June 1 of this year? What does it mean? What do we get and do not get beyond June1? 
Joe O'Toole
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You just request from Infor to go on extended support. It costs a bit more on top of your normal maintenance but it buys you another year to do your upgrade in an orderly fashion. We have done this several times in the past and honestly never had a show stopping incident come up that we needed support for. The releases that are sun setting are typically very stable since they've been out for so long.
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That you Joe for your response. We are currently in Extending support. It is expiring in May 2016. After may 2016, they do not provide extended support for version 9.0.0. Thats why we are nervous. As a worst case scenario, if we cant complete our upgrade by may 31st, what are our risks. Pl advise :) 

Joe O'Toole
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There have been instances in the past where Lawson has made exceptions and extended coverage but that agreement would need to be worked out with your AE. The software does not stop working after May 31 so it depends on your risk tolerance and the likelihood you might encounter a level 1 type issue. When was the last time you had to call Infor support for a system down or unable to process AP or Payroll scenario? Infor gives ample notice on versions being retired so it is important to plan accordingly to avoid these types of situations. Lastly, I'm sure if you are contracted with a service provider that is performing your upgrade they could provide support for your 9.0 instance until you are live on the new platform.
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The software does not stop working after May 31 - That a good news. This means, license wont expire i believe. So worst case, we wont get any support from infor for any ticket and we wont get any CTPs/Year end CTPs ? 
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Will i be able to still access infor site to look for KBs and download CTPs? 

Kwane McNeal
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Concerning Access to Infor Xtreme, if you pay for extended support, as Joe recommends, yes you will. Otherwise you will have NO support, and that means exactly what you state in your previous post, that you get NO access to support, CTPs, MSPs, ESPs, etc.

As for access to year-end, this could be problematic, as you seem to run HR/PR, and while you won't necessarily be cutoff from BSI, and you'll still get your bulletins, you will not get updates to the interfacing that Infor may push out via a CTP and/or Environment patch. Personally, I would NOT take that risk.

Understand the following: As of my most recent understanding, IF you let support COMPLETELY lapse, as opposed to obtaining extended support, you usually have to pay some sort of premium or restatement penalty, based on length of lapse, etc. I would check with you Infor rep, BEFORE you get to that point, as that penalty may be steep enough to problematic.

If my understanding/impression is incorrect, it's usually a bit safer to have support lapse, as your organization isn't reliant on current updates.

Also make sure this is clear: this is an election year, and it's much more likely/probable that there could be taxation updates in some or many locales your organization operates in. I would HIGHLY recommend engaging Infor on working out something that is amenable to them and your organization to both remain current with support, and work out a plan to hit a target upgrade within this calendar year.

Finally you mention you are on V9.0.0. You do not say if that means apps and/or environment. Understand v9.0.0 ENVIRONMENT has been out of mainstream support for sometime. I know apps are definitely out as of June 1, 2016. Infor's priority is most likely going to be fixes for v9.0.1 apps FIRST, then v9.0.0.

Last thing I can think of: Download ALL applicable patches for the releases you are on AND the releases you need to be on to perform an upgrade AND the upgrade programs themselves... BEFORE May 31, 2016. You have the legal right to those fixes until that time, and if you don't get them, and find you are NOT at the correct levels to perform an upgrade, you'll be stuck without a way to get upgraded without support. This will allow you to ensure you can at least get the system current, before you'll be forced into potentially having to grovel for a reduction in the penalty fee(s) to reinstate support.

TL;DR: Follow Joe's recommendation, workout every possible way to obtain extended support FROM Infor (not a third-party)

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Thank you so much Kwane and Joe. This info is very helpful! 

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Hi Kwone/Joe/All,

I know infor is strongly suggesting everyone to upgrade to v10, cloud, etc. Could you pl advise on a list of PROS and CONS of upgrading from v9.0.0 to v10. 

It would be great if you can touch upon critical points like LAUA is scrapped (is it good or bad), how is cloud experience, how is cloud support experience, how to manage our other interfaces (for example if we have to send Positive Pay file or Benefits file to our vendor, how it works), how the PR program runs (PR140 in 9.0.0 takes 90 to 120mins, how long does it take if we go v10 / cloud) , etc

Kwane McNeal
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Uh, here goes??

PRO: You continue to have support
CON: If something breaks, you can pick up the phone, and some else fixes it?

... I know my last answer is a bit facetious, but to answer your last question would essentially be to write a justification document for your upgrade.

This would be neigh impossible for anyone who isn't either at your location or contracted to consult with you, or has been in the past.

I don't think there will be any substantive reply to this beyond my reply, as it would require an actual look at your setup and usage.

In the end, it seems there is internal resistance to either the cost of the upgrade, or the costs of NOT upgrading. The only way to AVOID BOTH financial costs is to introduce the legal and political costs of not being supported and having an issue with the product.

As you stated, the product will keep working after May 31, but no one can state it will work correctly, especially if you have HR/PR or external modules that need periodic updates (such as Vertex and/or BSI TaxFactory)

My advice is that it is time to have an honest, heart to heart dialog with the internal stakeholders and determine how vital to business operations the system is, and what that ultimately means to the business as a whole.

No one can write a justification document that addresses your internal business needs.
Kwane McNeal
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For instance: PR140 running in 90mins... With YOUR data.
Or, positive pay file... Depends on YOUR bank, YOUR product, and YOUR configuration.
Joe O'Toole
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I agree with Kwane and personally have never spoken to anyone who could provide a compelling reason to go unsupported for an extended period of time. The risks to your business would far outweigh any perceived savings. As stated by others, double the risk if you are also HR/Payroll. I have heard of shops running V6 or V7 Financials unsupported for years using a rag tag group of consultants but to me this is just ridiculous. Some companies are sitting on the fence with the upgrade because they are reevaluating how well the Infor S3 product roadmap aligns their own long term goals. If you have to undergo the expense and disruption of a major upgrade that would be the time to switch to another vendor if there is any interest in doing so whether it be for cost reasons or functionality. If your vision is to stay with Infor then V10 is what it is and you will have to accept the demise of LAUA and LID along with the extra Sharepoint and Mingle baggage.