Permissions Error during lawappinstall

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    Doing a lawappinstall for a new product line on

    During installation, it fails on appmetaload because it can't create the appmetaload.log file.

    Error reads "** can't write to log 'directory/appmetaload.log' ** 

    Productline directory has our admin account with full control, but the subdirectory "Admin" has different permissions and there is a random Null SID account on the directory.

    When we try to edit the permissions we get "The permissions on Admin are incorrectly ordered, which may cause some entries to be ineffective." with an option to Reorder them.

    This error isn't really much help as we're already past the point of the installer failing.


    TJ Mann
    Veteran Member
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      chmod 777 *.log or chmod -R 777 Admin folder
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        Thanks for the response.

        Unfortunately, we have no issues changing commands after the fact.

        But the permissions become an issue during installation when the directories are created, so we don't have the ability to modify the permissions at that time.


        More info: Windows Servers 2012, All folders in productline folder affected except lib folders (which contain no files).

        We also modified the EnableLUA registry value to disable it, as we thought mabe User Access Control was becoming an issue.

        But that also doesn't seem to have changed anything.