Forum: S3 Customization/Development

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Cobol - Extract Current Time      

Started By  klkemp100
How do you extract just the Current System Time in Lawson Cobol I'm wanting to extract it and format it in HH24MISS format. Thanks!
1 1888 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Cobol calling Shell Script      

Started By  klkemp100
Has anyone created or modified a Lawson Cobol program to call a UNIX Shell script, and if so can you share how you accomplished this Thanks!
3 1759 1
by Greg Moeller

4GL Cobol – Get Employee's current Job Code effective date      

Started By  agersh
Hi, Using Lawson 4GL Cobol what code/programming can I use to get an employee’s current Job Code effective date Thank you, agersh
4 65750 1
by agersh

prmpassed in custom Display Exec      

Started By  dslough
We are creating a process for an item add, where the request is coming from outside Infor and kicking off an approval IPA.  Within the approval IPA, it'll route to one person to assign a charge number, and then to procurement to assign an item description, vendor catalog, etc.  I'm trying to handle all of this within the inbasket, but since there isn't a classic workunit generated, the landmark workunit number doesn't get passed to the display exec for use in the chgvariable serlvets for IPA. ...
2 66937 1
by dslough

Add HR11 (Assignment tab) Location field to ESS      

Started By  agersh
Has anyone added the HR11 (Assignment tab) Location field to ESS so that an employee can select (or change) their assignment location using ESS If possible I would also need to have the Drill Select window available for the Location field in ESS.
0 3771 1

Forcing ERROR from User Exit      

Started By  ArthurThum
I have an error condition that I would like the beginning USER EXIT to pass back to PA52. I am Setting CRT-ERROR-NBR = 106, CRT-ERROR-CAT ='PA52B', CRT-ERR-VAR1, CRT-ERR-VAR2 When I animate the program, as soon as the user exit exits and returns to PA52, the error variables are reset and the error is not passed along. What do I need to code to force ANY error to appear
1 72771 0
by ArthurThum

ESS - direct URL link to feature      

Started By  Shane Jones
I am trying to send associates a link that will open a lawson Self Service tool (Payroll Modeling) however, if I combine the links I do not get the entire page of ESS ....   (the CSS gets by passed)    THIS WORKS WITH MISSING PAGE CONTENT: http://lawdev/lawson/xhrnet/paymentmodeling.htm THIS IS WHAT I WANT: First open: 'http://lawdev/lawson/portal/' Then direct here: '/lawson/xhrnet/paymentmodling.htm' Is this possible in Lawson - ESS
11 78472 0
by Moe Afram


Started By  klkemp100
Is there a way in Lawson COBOL to make a character field right-justified In the past, other COBOL's, i've been able to define something like... WS-CHARACTER-FIELD     PIC X(15) JUSTFIED RIGHT. and the data would then be '           12345' etc. Tried this in Lawson and it barfs when compiled. Thoughts, ideas Thanks!
2 993 1
by klkemp100

Read and Write CSV file COBOL      

Started By  klkemp100
Does anyone have a quik example of a program that does the following... 1. opens a csv file as input, opens a second csv file as output 2. reads the data from input file and moves fields to the output file and writes a record  New at this Lawson COBOL stuff. I assume its simple like... open input inputcsfvile open output outputcsvfile move input-field-a to output-field-a. move input-field-b to output-field-b. write outputcsvfile close inputcsvfile close outputcsv...
1 1030 1
by Ragu Raghavan

COBOL CSV file      

Started By  klkemp100
We have a custom Cobol program ZU200 that creates a .csv file which is sent to an outside vendor. It uses the 800-OPENOUTPUTCSV-CDR to open the file and PERFORM 800-WRITECSV-CDR to write the file. I need to add 2 new fields to the .csv file, basically adding them to the end of the file. I would have thought that the file layout for the .csv file would be in the WORKING STORAGE section, but that is not the case. So, I'm not sure how the program knows what the layout is. When I compile th...
2 2436 0
by klkemp100

COBOL - Debug / Step Through      

Started By  klkemp100
Been YEARS since i've done any COBOL, as well as in Lawson. I'm trying to read through the MA531 PD file to understand exactly what / how it is processing our EDI data, possibly looking at doing a small modification. Anyway, looking through it and following everything is driving me crazy. Is there a way to run the program in our TEST environment in a debug mode where I can make the program step through and follow the path it takes in the PD file Many thanks!
2 2222 1
by johne

Using MF COBOL Outside of Lawson Environment      

Started By  Roger French
Kind of a theoritcal question here. Is it possible to utilize and run existing Lawson COBOL programs outside of the Lawson environment  Meaning, let's say you have a PR530 or HR211 program and your Lawson environment 'goes down' and isn't available, meaning LID and Portal aren't running (for whatever reason). But, your MF COBOL run time and compiler are still available and licensed, as well as your Lawson S3 database and of course the Windows (or Unix) server which it is  Can you still...
0 3284 0

mFLDS Hit Max 1000 rptgen -t error      

Started By  Preston Burdwell
We recently applied ESP 10.0.11 and during testing, one of our custom cobol programs would not compile clean. It gives this error log: Compiled on lawdev Building COBOL Shell Processing PgmInfo Request ... bismark  CSVRMC PR SV529 Processing /lawdev/lawson/law/csvrmc/prsrc/SV529.rpt mFLDS Hit Max 1000 PrcRPT(): Errors Encountered In 'rptgen -t' /lawdev/lawson/gen/bin/bismark: Error Encountered In Execution /lawdev/lawson/gen/bin/lawbsh: Error Encountered In Execution
3 62110 1
by Kimberly Waukau

Lawson V10/Oracle/Linux to V10/SQL Server/Windows      

Started By  LauraPat
We plan to move from V10/Oracle DB/Linux to V10/SQL Server/Windows Coming from my perspective as a Lawson developer and support person - how difficult is it going to be to port all our custom programs, user tokens, Unix scripts, stored procedures, etc over to Windows.  Has anyone found that you have to pretty much rewrite your Linux scripts  Are there a lot of differences in compiling programs, Lawson programmer tools, etc.  I also thought that the Lawson table names are different in Windows...
1 70187 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Sort File - Stopped On Exit 9.      

Started By  Rajashanmugam
I have a interface program that creates 2 CSV files one contains the payroll details and other the employee details. I am using sort files with input and output prodedures to create both files. payroll details is fine, but the employee file contains duplicates because of the sort fields in payroll file. I created another sort file to sort the employee file to remove dupliates. program compiles fine but I get this error message     ERROR:    Stopped On Exit 9. Any suggestions welcome.
4 67327 0
by Rajashanmugam

MSS - Customizations      

Started By  Chris12
I am looking to customize MSS so that when a manager enter a PA action on someone, I can hard code a value into a 'CURRENT VALUE' field. For example, I want to hardcode the Current Value for STATUS to be 'ACTIVE' for everyone.  Does anyone know what file would call the CURRENT VALUE, or any pointers in getting this accomplished Thanks in advance
9 68052 1
by Akshay

Can PR514 be used to mass load W-4 changes?      

Started By  maalimsimo
Our 3rd party provider has requested that we explore the posibility of using XML files in place of the pdf files that we use presently as (manual) input for PR13 (Employee Taxes).   The idea is to somehow automate the process. We can parse the xml files in IPA to generate a csv file that should generally be formatted  like DEDLOADCSV (for PR514). Some questions:1. Can PR514 handle Tax withholding changes  2. If so, how do we specify what values to place in the columns  'NextAmount', 'Bala...
10 69541 1
by maalimsimo

PO20 ... Remaining Balance      

Started By  Rajashanmugam
On PO20 drill down screen, I want to add remaining balance value. Is there any easy way of doing it, do I have to do an enhancement request for it, which I am trying to avoid deperately.
2 66009 0
by Kat V

Program Detail File Is Already Open - error      

Started By  LauraPat
User ran a custom program and the job aborted with this error message.  It's a Microfocus Error -  Processing BI625 - COMPARE LAWSON TO SMS CDM                 Program Detail File Is Already Open                 Bad File Status 4 2 On File BI623UPD-FILE Initially the user submitted this job before the previous job in the sequence was completed so the file was locked up by the previous job.  We deleted the job that had this error and the user went back in and reran the job.  No matter...
1 64289 0
by Ragu Raghavan


Started By  Roger French
It's been a long while since I have posted anything to lawsonguru. I'm doing a little bit of COBOL development within Lawson v10. I'm writing a custom program. I have a sort file and a csv file. In the sort file I have defined it in workdef with some fields are of type 'Signed' with length 11.2 (for example. In my custom program data is correctly being written to with the '' or '-' sign on the fields in the sort file. If I try to define the CSV file with a signed field, the field ac...
5 67454 1
by Rajashanmugam

Org Chart      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Hello, all: I've been tasked to investigate the possibility of a searchable org chart (the one that displays in ESS/MSS would be preferable) Anyone figured out a way to make this searchable by name  If you don't know who someone reports to and what the chain of command is above them, it's pretty difficult to find one of our 5000 employees. Thanks for any response! -Greg
6 73850 2
by Alex Stone

Does anyone know how to run the VisualCOBOL debugger on a remote machine?      

Started By  Russell E
Does anyone know how to do the setup to debug batch programs on a remote server.  We are on Windows 2012 R2 servers.  I was able to get the cobdebugremote64 running and I do see Connection with established and closed when done.  What is happening is a have been getting MFRUN.gnt not found.  This is not the program that is being debugged. Can anyone help
7 69638 1
by Rajashanmugam

Sort File - File Status 9/230..      

Started By  Rajashanmugam
Hello All, I am trying to develop a new custom prorgram for S3 in Cobol. I am trying to use the sort file. Program compiles fine and when I try to run it, it gives me an error on File status 29/230 on sort file. I looked it up and there not anywhere I see this error code or its meaning. Need help to sort this out. Any suggestions. Raj
3 66161 1
by Rajashanmugam

Error setting up Multi-Step Job in Portal      

Started By  LauraPat
I have never seen this one before.  Trying to set up a multi-step job using a custom batch program for the first step and a user token for the second step.  I constantly get the error - IllegalValue Exception: JobType:getValue(): Invalid value for job type - trying for the step with the custom program.  And it only happens in Portal - I can set up the job fine in LID.  I can set up a multi-step job using a Lawson-delivered program and the same user token from the job that errored - no errors.  I...
3 65103 0
by LauraPat

Work File error      

Started By  Chesca
Hello, I have never wrote Lawson code to sort a file internally so I am using a Lawson program as model. My goal is to sort some records and then create a report. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I created a WF and SF file in the work definition section. I am getting an error :  bad File Status 9 009 on file Work-File. Here is my source code:             PERFORM 900-BUILD-TMP-FILE-NAME.            MOVE WS-TMP-FILE            TO WS-WORK-FILENAME.            OPEN OUTPUT...
5 71117 0
by LauaLuau
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