Forum: S3 Customization/Development

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ESS: Custom Giving/Donation      

Started By  Brandon
I need to understand if there are other organizations utilizing ESS for employee giving campaigns. Currently we have a form and process built, however, I would like to see if: 1. Anyone else is attempting this functionality  2. If anyone would be willing to demo what they have been able to set up. Thanks Brandon Clinton Fairview 612-672-6703
1 2951 2
by Shane Jones

SRGEN error after applying a huge CTP batch...and I can't find error in the KB.      

Started By  CindyW
We applied about 150 CTPs in our newest development product line, and the SRGEN threw out a bunch of errors on the .sr files, and we cleaned up most of them.  However, there is one error that we can't figure out, and I can't find anything on it in the KB - ID Must Be Unique And Must Begin With SystemCode This is the section of the srgen output file that contains the errors. Processing D:\LSF9DEV\law\newtest901\vmsrc\ Line 521: ID Must Be Unique And Must Begin With SystemCod...
6 2658 0
by Kwane McNeal

Force an error exit in multi-step job      

Started By  mikeP
I posted the gist of this question as a follow on to a different thread I started in the S3 Systems Admin forum, then realized it might be more appropriate here.  I hope this doesn't violate any cross posting rules. The first step of a two step job runs a token assigned to a Windows command file that first runs a VB script, then calls loadrpts.  The second job step runs PR530.  I don't want the PR530 to run if the first step fails., it would better for to job to go into recovery. W...
2 3869 0
by mikeP

custom program not found in Portal      

Started By  Chesca
I created a custom program and moved to our test environment. The user is having issues finding/accessing the program. Errro:  search results: No program or bookmarks were found for 'program'.
2 4686 0
by Chesca

PR530 error messages - accounting uni      

Started By  Chesca
Has anybody had any of the following errors when running PR530 or would know what library creates these error messages  Payroll wants to customize the library that creates such error messages,  but I don't know which library Employee    Message 12345           Accounting unit 12345 does not allow posting
5 3847 0
by jaherb

How do I read genlib tables?      

Started By  Donna Wirt
I'm trying to read the genlib/JOBSTEP table to get a parameter value to use in a custom lawson program and a shell script.  Any help is greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
6 5245 0
by Donna Wirt

DME Query Development Guide      

Started By  Layne
Does anyone know of a DME Query Development Guide.  We are using Process Flow and a just got a newer version called Lawson Process Designer to be used to query the Landmark System.  Most of us do not have much exposure to using the DME queries, so any help with White Paper or Development Guides would be helpful.
1 5609 0
by Woozy

Question about LID for Development      

Started By  Woozy
Our infrastructure/security folks really REALLY want to eliminate telnet access to our Lawson servers.  Because of this, they are suggesting that we utilize PuTTY instead of LID for our Lawson development tasks so we can access using SSH instead of telnet.  Is LID is more than just a terminal emulator  Can we use a different emulator and still do what we need to do  We'll be using the Application Development Workbench/4GL to create customer interfaces and reports, so we have to be able...
8 10074 0
by trueblueg8tor

ESS - Add custom text to Tax Withholding popup window      

Started By  Deleted User
I want to add a customer disclaimer to the ESS Tax Withholding popup window that has the Update & Cancel buttons and states 'Under penalties of perjury, I declare....' but i'm having trouble locating which file it is. Can someone point me in the right direction Thanks.
4 3205 0
by Deleted User

Redirect S3 Form Calls      

Started By  Woozy
At business request, I have created a customized (4GL, not DS) cloned version of 'HR55' named 'ZR55'.  Is there any way for me to 'force' the custom program to be called rather than the canned version  I know Design Studio does something like this, but I don't know if it is possible to do something similar outside of DS. Thanks for your help! Kelly
2 2139 0
by Georgette

Implement Siteminder Lawson Authentication      

Started By  BigDave
I have and older Lawson system that's been retired but we need to keep it in service for a while for reference.  It's basically the portal and the financial components of Lawson.  I don't have the version off hand as I write this, but I can get it.  I'm working on removing LDAP authentication (against Active Directory) in the Apache web server running on Unix and replacing it with Siteminder authentication.  Siteminder is pretty straight forward. The problem I need to solve is how to remo...
1 3559 0
by Dana

File Layout viewer      

Started By  Chesca
I am viewing a file that's hard to decipher how the file is laid out. I was a mainframe programmer and we use Fileaid. I was wondering if there is a MF cobol product or software I can use to view/edit datafiles/records.
4 3721 0
by Chesca

how to stop a multi-step job from ftp a file?      

Started By  Chesca
I want to run a multi-step job that FTP the output file when step 1 completes. Step 2 is a script to ftp the file.
3 2863 0
by Chesca

Retrieving User Name in LA200 program      

Started By  ChuckM
We had a case a couple of days ago where a user ran a multi-step job that was created by another user.  The form step created a csv file in the directory of the user who created the job.  Then in the LA200 job step the program tried to find the csv file based on the userid of the person who ran the job...the program couldn't find the file and job err'd out. I thought I could write a program that would retrieve both userids from the fields in ECONTROL or JOBWS, but when I run the program ...
2 3564 0
by ChuckM

email after job completes      

Started By  Chesca
My users told me that they receive an email whenever the job they run completes, I am looking at the script and can't figure out which line of code does that. I see it commented it out. Could somebody please take a look and let me know if I am missing anything !/usr/bin/perl -w  use Env;  use Net::FTP;  $PERL_SID = $ENV{'PERL_SID'};  $PERL_PDL = $ENV{'PERL_PDL'};  unless(defined($PERL_SID)){&F;exit(1);}  $PATH = '/usr/local/bin:$ENV{'PATH'}';  $SENDER = $ENV{'USER'};  $FILE = 'm...
2 2756 0
by Chesca

Setup users with access to a multistep job from Portal      

Started By  Chesca
Could somebody please help me or point me to a Lawson article that can show me how do I give users access to run jobs
6 3126 0
by Chesca

How do I view sortfile data while debugging?      

Started By  Woozy
I am debugging a custom program that utilizes a very wide sort file.  Is there any way for me to see what is in that file while I'm debugging other than the little-tiny query variable display window in LID  I need to be able to view/compare records within that file. Does anyone have any magic they can share  Thanks! Kelly We're on DB2 AIX (Unix), if that matters.
8 2959 0
by Woozy

PO20 Item Adds - Force Validation against Item master      

Started By  Preston Burdwell
When Requisition Items are Added as Special/Service, there is a setting within RQC_config.xml that allows for special_item_validation to be set to skip, warn, or deny. Is there a similar setting for PO Line creation Or, has anyone customized PO20 so that it will do this type of validation before adding a new line I was presented with this issue by purchasing and couldn't find anything on the PO side that was as easy as the RQC setting . . . Thanks
0 2884 1

Work File Definition      

Started By  Chesca
How to add/append a new field to a work file I don't see the pre-fix/ field definitions under Work file.  I provided a screenshop of the work file.            Field Name              Occurs Type      Size    1 INAL1-RECORD                  Alpha        1
6 5955 0
by Chesca


Started By  darwin collins
My day of pushing a new workflow for Vendor ACH support was going well, until we found form name differences in AP10.1.   I know that the TEST and PRODUCTION systems are not the same, but, really, we can't keep the form files in sync   (well, to be fair, system folks may not have not pushed the new forms live due to change management/etc) Basically, we are taking a task that involves about 70 steps doing it the manual way for a person (updating ACH data for a Vendor), and automat...
0 4187 0

How to suppress empty reports in Print Manager      

Started By  Woozy
I have a custom batch report that includes secondary 'error' report.  When I run the program, the error report appears in Print Manager, even if it is empty (i.e. no errors).  When I select that report from Print Manager is shows 'No Data in Report File - Check Report Parameters for Possible Error Message'. Is there some way to suppress this report in Print Manager if it is empty Thanks!  Kelly
1 3185 0
by Woozy

CSV File      

Started By  Srini Rao
Hello, I'm writing the user exit for a existing Lawson program. Can I create CSV file in user exit
0 3275 0

PA52 Call      

Started By  Srini Rao
I created a new javascript form to perform PA52 Action.  Here is my code... var pObj = new AGSObject(authUser.prodline, 'PA52.1');    pObj.event = 'CHANGE';    pObj.rtn    = 'MESSAGE';    pObj.longNames = true;    pObj.tds    = false;    pObj.func = 'parent.CheckForErrors()';    pObj.preInquire = true;    pObj.field = 'FC=A'                 '&PCT-COMPANY=' escape(parseInt(,10))                 '&PCT-EMPLOYEE=' escape(parseInt(authUser...
5 3368 0
by Woozy


Started By  slm4
I have a program that writes out variable length records with maximum length of 3700 bytes. For some reason file is being written as one line.  No newlines.  Can someone help.
4 10461 0
by LauraP

Send compiled version      

Started By  Chesca
My user wants me to send her a compiled version of LP140 program but I have no idea how to do this, any help would be appreciated it. Thanks!
6 3574 0
by Chesca
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