Forum: S3 Customization/Development

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Custom Calculation in Absence Management    

Started By  Michael Beaupre
Kara, our GL Specialist, brought an issue to Lawson which is that our Flex Leave liability is not posting from the Absence Management (LP) System to the General Ledger according to normal accounting rules. The Lawson Rep is recommending that we create a custom calculation in LP by setting the variables in LP07.1 and then writing code in the LPCUSTOMPD Library. If someone has a simliar custom calculation in LP that they would be willing to share, I would really appreciate it. Gracias.
1 4492 1
by  ChescaJump to last post
11/2/2012 6:04 PM

HR02 User Exit    

Started By  SamKinnamon
Hi everyone-- Hopefully this is something very easy that I am just missing, since I am new to using Lawson and User Exits.  My problem is that I have a User Exit for HR02.  The user exit kicks off a process flow each time a department is changed, added or deleted.  The user exit works perfectly when it is executed in the LID.  But, it does not appear to triggered at all when a change is made in Portal. I have tried an ISO Cache Refresh.  In addition, I've done the tmcontrol -rp hr hr02 and tmc...
8952 2
by  ChescaJump to last post
11/5/2012 5:35 PM

OE10.1 transaction ags call not clearing detail fields    

Started By  wwaters
I am getting an intermittent error message when making a jquery post to Lawson's transaction IOS API.  I am trying to add a line to an existing order through OE10.1 and I am getting a message telling me that  'Account cannot be entered for inventory items'.  The field that the message is referring to is 'COL-EXP-ACCT-UNIT'.  What I'm not understanding is that I am not putting anything into this field when doing the AGS call.  I don't get this error on every attempt and most attempts work without...
4 3882 1
by  LauraPJump to last post
8/3/2012 1:20 PM

long running program    

Started By  Deleted User
We have two custom programs that read in PMTOUT.  One program read the employee table to get the employee status (so was a direct read).  On one server/productline,  it took 17 minutes.  On the other productline (productin unfortunately),  it took 1 and 1/2 hours.  Then we took the database read out, so that it was just reading in PMTOUT and writing out a revised PMTOUT.  It now takes 5 seconds in both productlines. The second program is similar but we need to keep the database reads in (to rea...
4 3096 1
by  David AragoJump to last post
6/30/2012 1:57 AM

Steps to create a new custom program    

Started By  Joe O'Toole
I need to recreate a custom version of BN106 that we have on our 8.03 system in 9.01. Can someone share the steps used to do this The 8.03 version ports across but there have been too many changes to the Lawson supplied code. Once there is a pristine copy created on the 9.01 side, I should be able to roll in the changes I need to make. Thanks!
9 8664 2
by  Joe O'TooleJump to last post
6/27/2012 7:44 PM

Custom essmsgs.xml changes not working    

Started By  Brian
I have editted the essmsgs.xml file at WEBDIR\lawson\xhrnet\xml\lang\enus\ I wanted to add two new phrases and change 1 I saved the file.  No chnages I cleared IOS. No Changes. I cleared the IE files...went to a different workstation...rebooted the server....Still no changes... Am I editting the correct file  (I have validated in the pajobreq.htm that it is taking my edits there and applying them to the ESS page and that the phrases used there do come from essmsgs.xml) and the on...
6 4109 2
by  BrianJump to last post
7/3/2012 2:27 PM

Transmit Date on PO20    

Started By  JimY
When a PO has been transmitted the date shows up on PO20.  Does anyone know where that date is stored  I would like to use it for a program I am developing.  Thank you.
2 3200 0
by  JimYJump to last post
6/29/2012 4:52 PM

FTP Script    

Started By  Srini Rao
Hello, I'm trying to excute a batch file to FTp the file from external unix system to Lawson windows app server. When I run the script from dos command /LID it does work. When I execute the FTP batch file from 4GL it does not work. It execute the batch file but skips the FTP part . We are on ersion: on Windows. Thanks ---Srini
4 5163 1
by  Srini RaoJump to last post
7/12/2012 6:50 PM

Invalid username or password... Message    

Started By  ChuckM
I'd like to either change the standard message that gets displayed when a user tries to logon with an invalid password or display an additional message below the logon button if a logon error occurs. The objective is to remind ESS users that it may take a while for password changes to take effect. How would I go about doing this  TIA...Chuck
6 4998 1
by  ChuckMJump to last post
7/13/2012 1:01 PM

Full time vrs Part time Employee    

Started By  Chesca
I am writing custom code to calculate float accruals and need to identify fulltime employees.  How do I determine full time vrs part time employee based on  EMP FTE
2 3287 0
by  ChescaJump to last post
7/17/2012 3:50 PM

Adding Lawson Table Process?    

Started By  Ron McDuffee
We have a custom Interface Program that gets data for 401k payroll deductions.  Our Database is SQL Server.  This program already reads data from tables EMPLOYEE and PAYDEDUCTN.  I need to add a read for the PRDISTRIB table. I have added code to build the filter and perform the PERFORM 850-FILTER-BEGRNG-PRDSET2 command.  The program compiles but the program always returns PRDISTRIB-NOTFOUND as True. I am sure I have not performed a neccesary step or steps. Can anyone point me in the right direct...
4 4731 1
by  Ron McDuffeeJump to last post
7/19/2012 1:55 PM

Absence Management Plan    

Started By  Chesca
Hello everybody, I was asked to create a custom routine to calculation vacation bonuses which are given to Employee on their anniversary date. Is this field available in Lawson If not, could I use the EMP ADJ Hire date to calculate EMP anniversary and how Thanks in advance for your help! Here is the specs: 1 year anniversary, 1 day = 8 vacation bonus hours 2nd year, 3 days = 24 hours 3rd year, 3 days = 32 hours 4th year, 4 days = 40 hours 5th year, 5 days = 48 hours 6th year, 6 days ...
3563 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/23/2012 3:16 PM

Invoking PR36    

Started By  Garry Ferwerda
Hi all: I am writing a 4gl program to take multiple hours only pay code time records and creating one or more 'pay' time records out of them.  I was hoping to invoke PR36 to create the time records.  The form seems fairly uncomplicated with only a minimum number of fields required.   But I cannot get it to work,  I invoke the form and I can retrieve the employee name so I know that the form did something but I get a return code fo zero and no time records created.   Has anyone invoked on PR36 be...
5 4473 1
by  LauraPJump to last post
8/3/2012 1:16 PM

How to join in DME calls    

Started By  kwisser
I'm trying to find out how I can do a call like: http://x.x.x.x/servlet/Router/Data/Erp_PDL=FPDE5&file=POLINE&FIELD=PO-NUMBER;PURCHORDER.POPCRUF.PCR-USR-FLD-01&select=PO-NUMBER=6000303&out=csv&DELIM=|&MAX=100 I'm running into an issue with that part that says 'PURCHORDER.POPCRUF.PCR-USR-FLD-01'.  I figure since I can select POPCRUF from PURCHORDER, and since I can select PURCHORDER from POLINE, there must be a way for me to select POPCRUF from POLINE.  My call above doesn't generate an er...
3 4515 1
by  kwisserJump to last post
7/31/2012 1:01 PM

Adding Custom Index/dbreorg question    

Started By  LauraP
I think I know the answer - but I want to get the input of those here who are more knowledgeable! A consultant wants to add a custom index  to our Lawson ITEMLOC table (which has over 63,000,000 rows - yes that is MILLION).  I know once the index is added - a blddbdict and dbreorg are needed. The question is - will the dbreorg UNLOAD and RELOAD the table as part of adding the index  I wasn't sure because it is NOT a conditional index. Based on whether this happens or not - adding a...
7 4549 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
8/3/2012 6:38 PM

Aggregate range routines    

Started By  Chesca
Has anyone used the 880-FIND-DBAG function/API to sum a column I have the developers API doc and I am having a hard time understanding and wanted to look a sample code.  Is there a Lawson program that use this API Thanks!
0 3052 0
8/23/2012 6:04 PM

900-CREATE-JOB updating current job gives error    

Started By  Phil Romov
Getting WSJR-ERROR = Y when updating the currently running job using 900-CREATE-JOB (works fine if I use a different JOBREQ-JOB-NAME)  I suppose this makes sense, since in lapm you can't update a job if its in queue (e.g. in recovery) What I'm trying to do is run a job but override some parameters using logic with db lookups.  Has anyone accomplished this  If not cobol I also tried design studio but there's no straightforward way there to update the job definition either. I can overrid...
1 3137 0
by  Phil RomovJump to last post
9/4/2012 5:33 PM

Remove Magnifying Glass from ESS    

Started By  ALB
We applied an MSP and lost a customization which was not documented.  In the direct deposit screen in ESS, we want to remove the magnifying glass. Has anyone removed the search from another ESS/MSS or non-COBOL screen Thanks!
4 3303 1
by  ALBJump to last post
9/5/2012 6:41 PM

PR198 Custom Program    

Started By  Dawn
I duplicated the PR198 into our custom system code and made a change to the program on what comments to send to AP.  When we run my new program it goes into recovery with 'Program Report is Not Opened Process ID 4612' after the Phase 3: Creating General Ledger (GL) Posting Report message.  I cannot find anything on the Lawson site or in the job log to help me with this error.
12 4524 1
by  DawnJump to last post
9/24/2012 11:13 PM

Field Counts Do Not Agree Scr/Tran    

Started By  Dawn
My screen is not compiling during the qcompile, it has this err - Field Counts Do Not Agree Scr/Tran: 2/1  I figure it is telling me that there is only one field on for input on my screen but it sees two - any ideas on how to fix this.
1 3270 2
by  WoozyJump to last post
9/25/2012 1:01 PM

Relationship Between .rpt Form and Create CSV in Portal    

Started By  Preston Burdwell
Where does Lawson get the field mapping parameters to Create CSV when this button is pushed within the Portal
4 3403 1
by  Preston BurdwellJump to last post
10/9/2012 1:48 PM

AR220 - want to print each batch on a different page    

Started By  SYL
I would like to force the program to page break after each batch when printing the AR220 program.  Can the .rpt be modified to meet this need  What else can be done
3 2900 1
by  SYLJump to last post
10/9/2012 8:43 PM

Google Analytics?    

Started By  ChuckM
We just brought EMSS up and gave our users the ability to log in from home.  It would be good to collect some usage statistics if we could. Has anyone used Google Analytics with Lawson in an external environment like this  Or do you have any other recommendations for getting usage statistics TIA...Chuck
2 3404 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
10/19/2012 12:00 PM

Wrtitting the Comments.    

Started By  Srini Rao
Hello I'm trying to add comments to existing requisition and my program fails on the compile it self :-) Here is my code and I copied it from RQ500... 323697               INITIALIZE             WS-CMTRQH.  64911                PERFORM 900-CREATE-CMT-REQHEADER.  64913                MOVE 'P'            TO CMTRQH-TYPE.  64917                MOVE 'TEST COMMENT'    TO CMTRQH-NAME.  64919                MOVE 205                 TO CMTRQH-SIZE.  64920                MOVE 'Testing'  TO CMT...
9 5442 1
by  Srini RaoJump to last post
10/25/2012 7:19 PM

PERSACTION direct manual insert    

Started By  EBassett
I have some user fields that I want to update periodically. I wan to build a project using Sql Server integration Services that will check a few things determin the value of the user field then use the persaction to update it. At first I tried just setting the columns that I thought it would need but, got cannot insert null in most of the columns, so I am inserting a value for all fields in the table. But when I do so I get the following error. Error: 0xC0024104 at Execute SQL Task: The Execute...
2 3592 1
by  EBassettJump to last post
11/5/2012 8:53 PM
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