Forum: S3 Customization/Development

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ESS Org Chart displaying incorrect information    

Started By  Bret
Please share any insite to setup or configuration to allow the ESS org chart to display the correct information. The system is currently displaying termed employees and they are not connected to me in any way. Thanks Bret
4 5583 2
by  sethfoodJump to last post
8/19/2011 8:03 PM

Javascript AGS inquiry call?    

Started By  Roger French
It's been awhile since I have had to build an javascript AGS call for inquiry, and I am doing one to return fields from the online screen, but I can't quite get the code/syntax to get the return fields on the inquiry. (I have no problem doing an ADD or CHANGE with AGS). Does anyone have a quick example of a javascript call for AGS say for the CU01, or the HR11 for example Or any other online screen I know there are other pre-built AGS inquiry calls especially for ESS but really I just need ...
4 5845 1
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
12/14/2010 10:50 PM

Filter APIs    

Started By  Karen Sheridan
I've inherited a set of programs that use the Filter APIs.  I'm making a year end mod and the data I'm getting back makes me wonder if its being used correctly.  I've look at the API manual and it is not very clear. If you use PERFORM 850-FILTER-NLT-BENSET4 after you have set the filter, do you use PERFORM 860-FIND-NEXT-BENSET4 to get the next record based on the filter I am filtering on plan type and plan code and I'm picking up, I think, plan codes that are not part of the filter.  T...
3324 1
by  Karen SheridanJump to last post
12/15/2010 11:51 PM

Manager Self Service custom question    

Started By  thanef
I have a question about the Employee Drill Around Info window on the Direct Reports screen in Manager Self Service. The Employee Drill Around Info icon loads another window which I can manipulate the characteristics here: manager.htm inside function drillwind(id) for scroll bar, etc. But how do I delete or comment out the links from that window  My HR dept needs several links hidden or taken out. At webappjs/drillTOhtml.xsl this section should do it but I cant find a list..... listElements...
5 3925 0
by  JudeBacJump to last post
1/19/2011 2:27 PM

How to hide a button on a form    

Started By  Garry Ferwerda
I have added a button to AC10.1 on the levels tab in the detail area for levels.   I only need the button on the second level address for certain activity groups.   Since the button was added to the detail form it appears on every row.   I have disabled the functionality of the button on the rows where it does not apply, but I would really like to have the button hidden or have the text removed from the button on the rows where it is not working.    Is there a way to hide/unhide a button on a fo...
3 3281 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
1/19/2011 7:54 PM

onclick event handler question    

Started By  Anthony
I wanted to add a simple link to a .htm file when a user clicks on a word within the instructions section of the benbulletin_nh.htm file.  I was using Thank You
4 3379 1
by  Roger FrenchJump to last post
2/4/2011 7:21 PM

Add employee drill-select to custom form    

Started By  Woozy
I haven't done much (or anything) with drill previously, so I'm having trouble.  I have a custom form over a custom table.  This form has an EMPLOYEE field from the custom table, but doesn't have a COMPANY field (because the table doesn't have it). How do I make the drill-select for my EMPLOYEE field correctly return the employee list(s) like the HR11 EMPLOYEE field Attached is the .scr for my custom form. Thanks for your help!
3589 1
by  WoozyJump to last post
2/2/2011 7:03 PM

Adding Fields to the AP155 Check file output    

Started By  Brian Andrews
How can I add fields to the current AP155 'Check' file  Is it as simple as modifing the AP155.rpt file to include the new fields and then populating the new field in the COBOL Thanks for the help Lawson programmer newbee!
1 3594 0
by  mark.cookJump to last post
2/4/2011 6:38 PM

Custom .skn file - can't update metadata    

Started By  CindyW
We have a modified metadata/pameta/PA.skn file that was highlighted in a recent CTP.  We put our customization back in, using SKNDEF, recompiled, and ran srgen and xscrgen.  The form does work fine, but when we actually look in the pameta/PA.skn file, it does not have our customization in it (it's literally a one-line change).   Now, the original .skn file (that one was backed up in the CTP) does have the customization...(I'm assuming that's why it showed up as a mod).  And I know that the S...
9 4164 0
by  CindyWJump to last post
2/11/2011 7:38 PM

.scr - going over 24 lines?    

Started By  Deleted User
Is there a way to go over the 24 lines on a .scr  Is there a setting, or is this a built in restriction
1 3041 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
2/19/2011 11:01 PM

Web Browser DME Calls    

Started By  kwisser
I am trying to find a way to perform a JOIN through a web browser DME call.  I'm currently using:;PO-NUMBER&select=28LAST-ACTIVITY>=03/08/201126LAST-ACTIVITY I would like to join in the POLINE table on PURCHORDER.PO-NUMBER = POLINE.PO-NUMBER.  Can someone help me with that syntax Thanks, Kevin
2 4335 1
by  kwisserJump to last post
3/8/2011 8:28 PM

How to force an abend in a batch program?    

Started By  pbelsky
Can someone tell me where I can find out how to force an abend (needs recovery state) in a Lawson COBOL batch program I have tried the error message APIs but they only print a message, do not force the pgm to abend. Lawson's precompiler will not allow me to populate RETURN-CODE or use STOP RUN. Thank you.
11 11114 1
by  pbelskyJump to last post
8/2/2011 3:29 PM

ESS/MSS Mobile App?    

Started By  Shari
Hey All - Anyone know if Lawson is planning on supporting or releasing a mobile app for Employee / Manager Self-Service  We are getting ready to try out the Mobile Inbasket app...not sure if there is anything in the works for a similar offering for ESS/MSS.  -Shari
2 4445 3
by  ShariJump to last post
4/15/2011 4:26 PM

Lawson S3 .sr coding    

Started By  Pramod Chandra
Hi,       I have a custom table in ZZ system code M1LOOKUPVL Fields PROCESS-ID     Alpha (10)                 Primary Index key1 KEY2               Alpha (10)                 Primary Index key2 KEY3               Alpha (10)                 Primary Index key3 SEQ1               Numeric(06)               Primary Index key4 FLD1               Alpha(50) I have stored Values like PROCESS_ID=ZR62CODE KEY2=ZR62CODE KEY3=ZR62CODE SEQ1=1 FLD1=1C my codes looks like DEFINE SE...
2 3780 0
by  Sam SimpsonJump to last post
4/28/2011 8:37 PM

Design Studio    

Started By  Demi
We have a purchased, customized PR32.1 and PR32.2 with no design specifications that is no longer working correctly—a ‘passed’ variable appears to be truncated and some dropdowns are not working.  We’ve recently applied a payroll patch and an Env Upgrade to (from I’ve been asked to fix.          I’ve recreated a new PR32.1 and PR32.2 based off the Lawson delivered forms and I’m reapplying all our customizations – problem is our current custom PR32.2 has fields that are define...
1 3712 0
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
5/3/2011 2:33 PM

EMSS upgrade with customization    

Started By  L G
Hi I would like to know what steps we need to take during an EMSS and CBL upgrade We have a few customizations that we need to preserve. Does Lawson take a backup of EMSS modified files when we do an upgrade as it does during a CTP installation. Or do we have to manually take a backup of customizations What steps do you all follow before doing an upgrade of EMSS
2 3338 0
by  L GJump to last post
6/1/2011 2:52 PM

EMSS upgrade with customization    

Started By  L G
Hi I would like to know what steps we need to take during an EMSS and CBL upgrade We have a few customizations that we need to preserve. Does Lawson take a backup of EMSS modified files when we do an upgrade as it does during a CTP installation. Or do we have to manually take a backup of customizations What steps do you all follow before doing an upgrade of EMSS
3 3191 0
by  L GJump to last post
6/1/2011 2:54 PM

Pass values via button in 4GL    

Started By  Woozy
I have a custom header/detail form, and I have included a button on the detail row that calls a second custom header/detail form.  I have a field in the header of first form that I want to pass to the header of the second form for data selection purposes. If it matters, I am using the 'W' type in the $TRANS section for the button and putting the called form in the Picture area. Is there a way for me to pass a value between the two forms via the button Thanks!
3195 1
by  WoozyJump to last post
6/2/2011 6:38 PM


Started By  Juanita
where is this file located in lid
2 7543 0
by  Sam SimpsonJump to last post
6/8/2011 9:25 PM

Static Form Text Missing in Portal, but Shows in LID    

Started By  Woozy
I have a custom header/detail inquiry form, and I have a row of static text that appears fine in LID, but does not appear in Portal.  The form compiles without errors, and I've tried deleting the XML and using scrgen to regenerate it without success.  I've also cleared my IE cache and IOS cache without success. What am I missing Attached are the LID and Portal screenshots, as well as my .scr (renamed as .txt) Thanks for your help!  Kelly
3794 0
by  VenkatJump to last post
7/10/2011 7:32 PM

Modify Field Label in RSS    

Started By  Robert Spurr
Does anyone know how to change the labels displayed in RSS.  Specifically I'm looking to change the 'Quote Required' label in the detail tab of the profile.  I've dug through HTML and JS files with no luck. Thanks in advance Robert
1 3451 0
by  Robert SpurrJump to last post
6/28/2011 7:22 PM

change to screen rules - Cause hanging?    

Started By  Deleted User
The other day,  as users went into our system,  everyone was getting hung up or could not even get into Lawson.  We tracked it down (we think) to one custom program.  We re-compiled it just to see if that would work.  Then in our test environment, we managed to get it to hang once and then we decided to do an srgen (because of an odd message one user got).  After that, we could not get the system to hang again.  We had made an additonal screen rule, but we had done an srgen the week before. ...
0 4029 0
7/5/2011 10:57 AM

Insert into custom table    

Started By  JudeBac
Hi All, Its that time of year when customization is needed for Benefits Open Enrollment. I need an advice on the easiest approach. In Benefits Open Enrollment 'Welcome' page, I will need to add a screen where an employee will acknowledge a required document (about 4 items). I will then need to insert these 4 items in to our custom table/database in the Lawson Server. Its been awhile that I have used Java and should have time to learn Perl, cgi, etc. What is the easiest or best to use in...
2 3592 2
by  JudeBacJump to last post
7/6/2011 6:24 PM

Manipulating Duplicate Records    

Started By  maalimsimo
I have a need to identify duplicate Employee records in a temp file, based on USERID. Then I need to look at the duplicate record sets and look at the Emp Status: 1. If both (or all) records are INACTIVE, I do not need to report on them (i.e ignore them). 2, If a set (of duplicate records) has just one ACTIVE record, ignore the whole set. 3. If both (or all) records are ACTIVE, then report on them. Example set: {userid}              {Employee}                  {Status}              ...
1 3597 0
by  Derek CzarnyJump to last post
7/15/2011 8:24 PM

reapply dbdef changes after data refresh    

Started By  Karen Sheridan
Good Morning I used to know how to do this, but cannot find any notes so... I added tables to a test product line in dbdef, built dictionary, applied to database in April.  The project stalled for a while, the database was refreshed. My definitions are in dbdef, but I need to get them applied back out to the physical database (Oracle 11). Seems like bldora11ddl  is what I need - can someone verify the steps for me TIA, Karen Lynn Schuette
2 6096 3
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/20/2011 3:25 PM
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