Forum: S3 Customization/Development

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Javascript AGS inquiry call?      

Started By  Roger French
It's been awhile since I have had to build an javascript AGS call for inquiry, and I am doing one to return fields from the online screen, but I can't quite get the code/syntax to get the return fields on the inquiry. (I have no problem doing an ADD or CHANGE with AGS). Does anyone have a quick example of a javascript call for AGS say for the CU01, or the HR11 for example Or any other online screen I know there are other pre-built AGS inquiry calls especially for ESS but really I just n...
4 5908 0
by Ragu Raghavan

DS batch job parameters      

Started By  Al Miller
Unix - S3 - AP161 parameter PAYMENT-DATE: Users are forward dating by accident. I would like to (DS) setFormValue parameter with current-date. I can do this with a default value or OnBeforeTransaction but users are always re-using previously defined jobs (Inquire). Is there a way or form Event I can use to modify patameters after the Inquire Thanks in advance, Al
1 3444 0
by John Henley

Change field label in PADICT      

Started By  Lisa Hodges
We have a field that is on the PAEMPLOYEE table called RELATED_EMP. It shows up on HR11 on the Benefits Tab and is a yes/no field. We relabeled it on HR11 because we would never use this field and didn't want to have to use a user field for a field that we needed that was a yes/no field anyway. Now in the employee groups, it is pulling the label Related Employer from the PADICT table. Has anyone ever changed the label in the PADICT table. It looks like you'd have to change ITEM_NAME, HEADIN...
4 4157 0
by Deleted User

Add DB Index with Drumping and Loading Data with dbreorg      

Started By  Randall
Hey all, We recently created a new database index to the APINVOICE table on our development system.  We ran the dbreorg as it normally would and, with the amount of invoices in the system, took about 16 hours to complete the dump, load, and creation of the index. We then needed to refresh our database and it cleared out in index again and needed to be recreated.  After checking out the manuals, it looked like dbreorg -F would take care of this for us.  Since we were only adding an ...
2 3684 0
by Randall

User login count      

Started By  JudeBac
Good morning all. I would need to report on how many users login for the day. How did you accomplish this I am thinking of going to my Network admin (we are ldap bind), create a script at login page which willl insert into a custom lawson table or maybe at login page, log into a text file. Appreciate your assistance, Jude
1 3920 0
by Deleted User

Flooring a number in 4GL      

Started By  Woozy
Hi All.  I'm working on a 4GL payroll custom calc that needs to take a value and floor it (i.e. round down to the nearest whole number).  How do I do this in 4GL/cobol If it matters, we're on DB2/Unix. Thanks!
2 3441 0
by Woozy

iSeries Print Directories      

Started By  Walter
We run Lawson on a iSeries and as you may know, Lawson dynamically creates directories on the IFS to store the output.  For example, when I ran an instance of PR160, the following was created /LAW9/law/print/DSWK/pr160marwk/1/125820 I need to program a way to determine this directory in a custom program that is to be run after a user runs PR160.  The problem is the /125852 directory, that appears to be somewhat random.  What I did find out is that in PR160, the variable F1PRINTFI...
2 4176 0
by Walter

identify custom programs using a specific field      

Started By  SueS
I have to identify all custom programs which use ben_salary_2 from the PAEMPLOYEE table. Is there any way to do this Thanks...
2 3012 0
by SueS

text field alignment issue      

Started By  Deleted User
We are testing going from service pack .6 to .9 for LSF 9.0.0.   Since we have done that,  I have a custom form where the text fields are all aligning to the right rather than the left in Portal.  I looked at our .scr and cannot see anything obvious.  Has anyone else encountered this.  I tried deleting the xml and recompiling and doing and scrgen but no luck.
0 3295 0

Memory Fault Error      

Started By  ARaja
One of my custom programs, throws memory fault error, When we trying to add the field help text for one particular field. How it can be resolved
0 3703 0

ESS - new version - trying to retrofit      

Started By  Karen Sheridan
We have ESS in development and it looks a lot different from our previous version. I am trying to do some retrofits and we added address and phone number to the bottom of emppersonal.htm. So, now the grey box that goes around all the fields is too short. Does anyone know where the length of that box is coming from All of the pages that have that grey box appear to end in the same place on the screen. TIA, Karen
6 3463 0
by Nick

New Portal Page in Design Studio      

Started By  TBonney
I created a new portal page in Design Studio. It was done by simply selecting General > Web Page, resizing the object and then pointing to a custom .html document that I designed, by using the 'custom...' button on the right. Then, once saved, the new page is saved as an .xml document. My intent was to use this custom page in lieu of the LifeEventsSplash.htm that is used by default in Lawson in ESS for the Life Events Bookmark (and secure/lock all it's children bookmarks). However,...
2 4022 0
by Deleted User

Filter Courses in Training under ESS      

Started By  Lorena
Hi, We are working on implementing the ESS training module. Our issue is that we would like to filter the courses list under the registration by course link. When we clicked on Registration by Course, we are getting a list with all the active trainings in the course table (it is using the condition 'current'). We have employees in different regions and we do not want the employee to register in a wrong region. I was thinking that if I put the employees in emplo...
1 3287 0
by Karen Sheridan

Changing Sort Order      

Started By  brihyn
My user wants to change the search on the AM20.3 screen, Serial Numbers search. Currently in, I have this: DEFINE SELECT 'Serial Numbers' ID AM-ASI-S-0005 SCRFLD SERIAL-NBR-43 FILENAME AMASTITEM INDEX ASISET2 KEYRNG NXTKEY CURSCRFLD DSPFLDS SERIAL-NUMBER:'Serial', ITEM-NBR:'Item', ASSET:'Asset', TAG:'Tag', ASSET-GRP:'Group' RETURNS SERIAL-NUMBER INTO SERIAL-NBR-43 ...
3 3878 0
by brihyn

Default Function Code (FC) When Transferring via Button      

Started By  Leslie Osher
Lawson defines the default in the screen definition: FC I I=Inquire In this case, the default FC is 'I' when you transfer to the screen via F8. But if you define a Lawson button to transfer to the same program, Lawson ignores the default and program starts with (A)dd or (C)hange, always the same, depending on the program: 2 PO-WINDOW W 12 CSWW SB PO20.1 The question is, can (I)nquiry or any other FC be forced on a button transfe...
0 4622 0

SOA initiative      

Started By  Jamela
I am posting this question for one of our SOA experts whose way more technical than I am.... Aside from the obvious database approaches, can other integration-based technologies be used to query data in Lawson such as JMS or Web Services. Also, if we wanted to run some really simple queries against the Lawson database, would there be any negative impact to the system. Seems like a simple question, but I don't want assume anything.
1 3286 0
by KK - Infor

Stupid Question      

Started By  Scott Krueger
I have worked on Lawson since version 5.x on the iSeries(AS/400). I am now getting back into the game and working on LSF 9 on the iSeries. My question is this. How do I modify source All of the source is in the IFS and not in LAWSRC9 like it was in Version 8.x. Is there a development tool I am missing Thanks!
2 3248 0
by Scott Krueger

Javascript DME return value of a user field to personal profile screen      

Started By  catcher_in_the_rye
I am new to the javascript piece of portal programming and I am trying to add info from hrempusf to the personal profile screen in ESS. I have the right DME call when I post in a URL, but I am getting value of undefined from the debugger when trying to get the value on screen. Below is what I reverse engineered but my value for depPlanFields is erroring out undefined. I'm a newbie, but trying to learn on the fly. Thanks. function GetBemsID() { var DMEstr = 'http...
1 4593 0
by Steven Gray

Translation of 4GL names to iSeries      

Started By  Walter
Does anyone have any idea how Lawson determines the iSeries RPG field names when custom tables are created in DBDEF We're migrating to LSF9 from 8.1. In 8.1 I created several files under a custom system code. When these files were created, the process came up with the field names. I know that the first character begins with 'D', the next three is the file prefix. But how it comes up with the remaining characters, is somewhat of a mystery. I wasn't too worried about it because I wro...
1 5009 0
by Steven Gray

Unix script writing needs Portal id      

Started By  Greg Moeller
I'm trying to develop a Unix script, that I can call from a job name in Portal. (I already know one way of doing that.) I'm in need of the logged in persons id though, and am struggling on what I can use to find it out. I know that it exists in the LDAP as their cn and also as lwsnssoRMId, but how do I extract one of those values in my shell script I'm a little brain-dead today.
5 3914 0
by Greg Moeller

E@DBFINDnxt in LSF9      

Started By  Walter
I'm in the process of migrating our custom programs from 8.1 to LSF9. The following is from one of those programs which has been working fine 8.1 C eval $FirstZAY = 'Y' C callp DNDBPXZAY1(EDBFINDbegrng) * Loop through Billing Header Records where status = 1 ...
3 3501 0
by Walter

Process flow Integration vs custom integration      

Started By  Deleted User
We are going to be connecting to an external WEB HR package where we will need to integrate HR data via web services.  For example, we will need to send hire, transfer and fte changes to Lawson HR suite.  We are just starting to investigate whether using Process flow Integrator will give us better control and quicker development time than building our own customized solution Any thoughts/recommendations We do not currenty have Process Flow Integrator, so this is an additional cost that ...
4 8250 0
by David Miller

AP20.2 Customization      

Started By  sea2sky
The folks in AP are complaining about the number of keystrokes required for non-PO and PO invoices. They probably use less than 20 of the fields and would like a stripped down custom version of AP20.2. Has anyone ever done one of those If we outsourced the code, how much should we budget for it Thanks.
3 3746 0
by Ragu Raghavan

RSS customization      

Started By  thanef
Where do I go to add text or information to a RSS screen On Unix platform.
2 3363 0
by thanef

How does the BEGRNG - NXTRNG work?      

Started By  Demi
I'm trouble-shooting an existing program that uses the BEGRNG and NXTRNG commands. Can anyone explain to me how this works When using these, is the table read sequetially; or is the table read in the sequence of the index key Also, Lawson's data documentation often has key fields listed with '*'. Does anyone know what the '*' means
2 5336 0
by Marc Burnes
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