Forum: S3 Customization/Development

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javascript events - AM190 customized      

Started By  Deleted User
Hey friends, have a question for you... I am new so if info is missing, let me know! We have a customized AM190 form which when accessed prompts the user with a dialog box that says hey you are about to post and cannot reverse this action, do you want to continue. We found that some users do a AM180 first and then come into do a AM190. But we also found others might login and go straight to AM190. We have been looking at code from a previous developer which we are also tryi...
2 3455 0
by Deleted User

Hiding DELETE button from standard lawson form      

Started By  Saurabh
Hi All We are on LSF9.0.0.4, Aps 8.1 MSP5 on Win 2003 server. Trying to hide the DELETE option from the PO15 main screen (however it needs to be availaible from the Dropdown with the INQUIRE tab)-hence cannot use security to take away access to the DELETE button. I have access to design studio but not able to find the PO15 standard form Please advise regards Saurabh
10 3651 0
by Saurabh

libdef global working storage      

Started By  Robert
Gurus: I have added a global working storage to $LAWDIR/wslib and defined it using libdef as type wslib. When I invoke the wslib the compiler complains of variables not defined in Working Storage. I examined libdef's help file, it looks like I did define it correctly, what did I do wrong
4 3416 0
by Robert

skndef etc.      

Started By  Ragu Raghavan
HR11 has this field USER-LEVEL. When you click F6/Define, it opens up HR80.7. I have custom HR80.7 called H180.7. I went into skndef test HR and changed the formID of the key (HHZ) from HR80.7 to H180.7. I recompiled H180, HR11 I did a srgen I did a tmcontrol -rp on HR11, HR80, H180. Yet, when I do a F6 on the field from HR11, it still brings up the HR80.7 and not my custom screen. What do I need to do stop/statlaw Thanks. Ragu
1 3551 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Increase Field Length for HR11 User fields      

Started By  ArthurThum
Has anyone done, or knows how to code the changes necessary to increase the Alpha fields from 10 to say 15 characters Has anyone done this Or any other way to attach a field longer than ten characters to an employee if thats not easy, or potentially desruptive to standard Lawson HR processing
2 4179 0
by ArthurThum

Getting Design Studio to see a form      

Started By  TommyT
I need to make a change to a PA form in out test1 directory. I've moved a copy of the form's xml to ....\apps\persistdata\lawson\portal\content\forms which is where all the other forms we are working on are located. My problem is that Design Studio does not appear to see the form. When I go to the UI designer and enter the product line all the OTHER forms are listed in the box but this one isnt. I know im making some kind of basic mistake...any ideas
6 5012 0
by TommyT

SETLL/Read previous (RPG)      

Started By  BobP
In Lawson speak, could someone please tell me what would be Lawson's equivalent to SETLL/READP Thanks, bob
1 4766 0
by PBL

Pay Frequency Discription Location      

Started By  Wade-T
I am building an interface for a third party application that wants to know the Pay Frequency for our employees. The EMPLOYEE.PAY_FREQUENCY field has the 1, 2, 3, 4 items, but I am having trouble finding a corresponding table that houses the descriptions for PAY_FREQUENCY like the ones shown on screen PR21.1. I went through the HR/PR Data File documents, but was not successful in finding it. It is probably right in front of my face, but i don't see it. Thank you,
2 3601 0
by Wade-T

Customizing Portal Find/Filter Option      

Started By  Deleted User
Good morning, all - Our portal users have requested we research the feasibility of customizing their record search option - currently, when searching for an employee by name or SSN, the default search is 'Find'. Since we began using the portal in 2005, this option has been extremely slow, and because of the number of records we have in our database and the volume of turnover/rehire employees, using 'filter' is faster and provides the records they need. Has anyone customized this ...
4 3230 0
by Nick

4GL GEN API      

Started By  Robert
Can 4GL read GEN tables
1 4030 0
by Arvin Ojales

perl CPAN install of SOAP::lite on AIX      

Started By  Deborah Creek
On our test apps server we have used perl CPAN to install SOAP::lite and are using a cgi program to call a web service.  We have not come across any issues with this impacting existing Lawson utilities.  Does anyone have experience with using CPAN to add to Lawson's perl install or know of potential concerns for us to investigate Is there a way for me to determine what perl programs exist in Lawson so we can test them specifically We are on AIX 6.1 64-bit Websphere 7 Environment App...
2 6398 0
by Robert

File Description Specifications - LSF9      

Started By  bprouty
We are on the iSeries, going to Environment and Applications so we now need to setup our programs in the IFS.  We are getting some of it figured out but are stumped with some of it.  How are non-Lawson files handled in LSF9 that were identified on File Description Specifications in Lawson V8  Any hints would be appreciated.  Thanks
3 3590 0
by Steven Gray

Explanation of Field      

Started By  Deleted User
Can someone explain the DPTLVL field in the FILEREL table in GEN
2 3645 0
by Deleted User

CSV INFO Data Structure      

Started By  Robert
Back to well once again. boy...just about every time I want to use an API. I have a workdef file with a DED prefix.  I want to make sure the interface is found prior to a 800-READCSV, else I get a run-time-exception.  According to the API doc, I use INFO-FOUND. So, I added the following to my code: INITIALIZE DEDINFO-FOUND. STRING WS-DEDUCTION-FILE DELIMITED BY SIZE   INTO WS-FILE-SYSTEM. DISPLAY DEDINFO-FOUND. For the moment, I am leaving the remainder of the code out...bu...
3 4844 0
by Robert

System variables not available in MFCOBOL any longer      

Started By  Roger French
I'm in a bit of a bind. This is AIX. We have several programs where a call to a Unix script is made using a preset system variable, such as $ATEMP Ok. I'm the 'lawson' user. When I log on to the server, and do a cd $ATEMP  or echo $ATEMP it does it ok, no problems. But when I run a program which uses the $ATEMP such as CALL 'SYSTEM' USING WS-COMMANDS. ... where WS-COMMANDS = $ATEMP/runscript.ksh  (for example) I'm checking the job logs and it's saying it can't find /runscript.ksh   This ...
10 4169 0
by wilcoxmad

Adding a new index to EMPLOYEE fails      

Started By  Robert
Gurus. I used to be happy...I used to have a 6 handicap....I used to have a full head of hair...then I started working with Lawson. It brings me to my knees every day. I defined a new index on EMPLOYEE, it is contatenated on COMPANY and FICA-NBR.  I did a debreorg.  I can initialize the index in 4GL and invoke an API call on it...but it fails after that. IOS reports that the index is invalid.
5 3588 0
by Robert


Started By  Robert
Gurus: I generated my program using pgmdef.  The system code is PR. When I painted, I see the EMPLOYEE table as a relation. I want to read the EMPLOYEE table using EMPSET6. When I move to DB-FIRST-NAME-UC and/or DB-LAST-NAME-UC the compiler throws the error Operand DB-FIRST-NAME-UC not declared. Other PR applications are using this working storage variable, e.g. PR33.
2 3301 0
by Robert

May want to increase field length on PA52 screen      

Started By  Wade-T
We have a feeder system that updates the PERSACTION table nightly. One issue we have is that some e-mails come in that are longer than 30 characters long and after the PA100 is run the HR user needs to enter the correct e-mail address on HR11. Would it be okay to adjust the sive limit of the NEW_VALUE_1-36 fields to be 60 If so, would I need to run a blddbdict or recompile I realise anythin I do would also be changed back when we upgrade.
4 4544 0
by Sam Simpson

Custom Help solved.      

Started By  Robert
Customizing help.  You must set your terminal env to pt80-e From LID:  export term=pt80-e Now access the form using lapm: lapm productline programcode Navigate to the Help interface F1; H. Form; A.Form If you don't know what your are doing, take your time and pay attention.  *via pgmdef.  You must to set the 'In Producton On' to the value appropriate for your Lawson environment or it won't work. According to Lawson, you are supposed to recompile your program and do...
0 5093 0

4GL .SCR TRANS Section      

Started By  Robert
I thought there was a document that document the record layout and two character contstructs of the TRANS screen section
2 3288 0
by Robert

Update Home Addr but not Supplemental Addr      

Started By  ShawnV
If a user has the same Home address & Supplemental address, when a change is made to the Home address on HR11, the Supplemental address is updated with the same change. Is there anyway to NOT have the Supplemental address updated when a change is made to the Home address We would like the users to change their Home & Supplemental address separately via the ESS Employee Address page.  However, a user can't change only their Home address if their Supplemental address was originally identical. ...
2 3706 0
by Jimmy Chiu

ESS Pages migration to LSF9, Need help..      

Started By  Sushil Makhijani
Hello Everybody, We are planning to migrate current ESS forms from 8.1.0 to lsf9.0, I have no experience on LSF, so I don't know how the pages can be. Also we have requirement to use ASP & HTML only (No Design Studio), would like to know if it is possible, please give suggestions.. Thanks, Sushil..
5 3900 0
by JudeBac

API 1000-CHK-WF-STATUS Service Not Defined.      

Started By  Robert
I am all over this forum. I am trying to validate a service, once I accomplish that I am hoping to generate the workunit header. I built a simple flow and uploaded it. I defined the service in PFlow admin.    I then created a workunit and triggered the flow, and I received an email. At this point I am simply trying to validate the service in my 4GL program.  According to the docs, this is what I need to do: 005000       INITIALIZE WFAPI-INPUT 005000       INITIALIZE WFAPI-OUTPU...
1 3198 0
by Robert

Compile error when accessing global STRWS      

Started By  Robert
Greetings to the Forum 4GL program construction in LSF9.  I want to use the 900-LOWER-TO-UPPER API. I move WS-DB-PRODUCT-LINE TO WS-CASE-CONV-VALUE. I receive the following compile error: **    Operand WS-CASE-CONV-VALUE is not declared
11 4316 0
by Robert

Move BN ProgramCode      

Started By  JudeBac
We have a BN 834 custom code for BlueCross. This is in ver 8.1. Now we are upgrading our application and environment to 9.0.1. I used KB 127186 pgmdump/pgmload to move the custom BN 834 file to our 'LAWDIR\bnsrc', this did not work. The article also has a warning that it might not work if the source and target productlines are not the same. I also tried metadumppgm/metaloadpgm as per GSC which also did not work. Note that we do not have design studio. Please assist and share the steps to move t...
7 5202 0
by JudeBac
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