Forum: S3 Customization/Development

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Malformed Logout URL      

Started By  Craig Derksen
We have recently added the LBI adminstrator dashboard to a custom portal role.  This role is based on the Default.xml role -- and was only modified to set the tag equal to the URL of our LBI administration page. Since the change, anyone using that portal role receives a malformed url when they click on the Logout link - it is formatted as follows: https://[ServerName]/sso/logout.htmhttps3A//[ServerName]/lawson/portal/index.htm You will note that the colon in the destination URL is replaced ...
2 4085 0
by Craig Derksen

Trouble with FORM_OnAfterTransaction      

Started By  Deleted User
I was wondering if someone could help me understand how the event FORM_OnAfterTransaction works.  We're trying to make a couple of changes to the AP20 screen to help streamline match invoice entry.  In many situations the only reason that an invoice doesn't match is the fact that a handling charge is off by a couple of cents.  I've added a couple of fields to the AP20 form so the AP user can see the amount of AOC setup on the PO and update with what came in on the invoice (without having to go o...
4 5318 0
by Deleted User

Lawson PR140 and PR80 programs miscalculate deductions...      

Started By  BrianP
We are Unix, environment and 8.0.3 applications.  We have encountered a situation where the PR80 and PR140 calculate astonomical deductions and negative payments after a normal recompile.  If the program is compiled for debug (-D) the calculations are correct.  Has anyone seen this before
0 4588 0

Compile error custom program      

Started By  John Crudele
We are on LSF9  windows/sql2005 We have a custom program for users to run an importdb Our test box has two product line TEST and TEST2. It worked in both product lines. We  did a data copy to TEST2 and it stopped working, it still works in TEST.  We get an error 'program not available'.  I tried to complie the program and I get an error. Here is the compile error log Processing PgmInfo Request ... bismark TEST2 GL EL600 Processing D:\lsf9\law/test2/glsrc/EL600.rpt   Created RptMap...
1 5821 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Error during PR160/PR180 compile      

Started By  Sam Simpson
This is from a friend of mine.  ENV apps 803. Trying to clone pr160/pr180 (inserted a new routine in library PRLASERPD but getting the following errors: Warning: Error - PrcWRKFILE(): LASERWK Not Found In WsGrp Warning:         Work File LASERWK May Not Be Defined In workdef He tried to return everything to normal including PRLASERPD but still getting the same errors. Thanks for any help
5 5062 0
by John Henley

Index filter using LIKE      

Started By  Anur
Index filter was working fine untill I added the LIKE condition after which it started giving runtime error. Can someone tell me what is missing Code snippet          STRING            ' (M10-PROC-FL NOT = 'SP' )'    DELIMITED BY SIZE            ' AND (M10-PT-CODE  LIKE '275700'  ) '                                                   DELIMITED BY SIZE            ' AND (M10-ALL = 1) '                DELIMITED BY SIZE                                             INTO FILTER-STRING...
2 4720 0
by Anur

SQL View      

Started By  Wade-T
Hello,   Does Lawson allow SQL views to be added to the database   Thank you,   Wade
5 4652 0
by Sam Simpson

Portal changing values from Lower to Upper case      

Started By  maalimsimo
My issue is that I have a list of selection values in mixed case, for a form. LID selections bring the value as is but Portal changes them all to Upper Case and then proceeds to say 'Value Not in list:...'. How do I fix that
4 4217 0
by maalimsimo

Calling command line program from custom COBOL program      

Started By  John Costa
I've written a custom COBOL batch program (named P1006) that I want to use to call a SQL-Server package from the operating system command line.  The command string I'm generating within the P1006 uses two parameters entered into the program by the user.   The COBOL program compiles correctly and executes.  However, the command string being executed is not the command string that the program is generating.  I put in a display so that it echoes the command to an output file and I've verified the ...
12 8541 0
by John Henley

Lawson password rules      

Started By  thanef
We use LDAP for our Lawson logins but we have a need to restrict on the Lawson side a certain password like 'abc123'. If password equal 'abc123',   display a message to call the Help Desk.   Adding the logic in the home.html doesnt work from what i understand.
0 4784 0

best software development practices?      

Started By  Steve11
I'm not sure this is the best forum, if not please suggest another... We're about to implement various Lawson processes (finance, HR, Payroll, ...), coming from some older legacy systems. From a software development process perspective, does anyone have suggestions for the following: * file naming conventions * coding standards * QA process - automated, black box testing, unit testing, etc * source code revision systems - subversion, MS sourceSafe We're running on AIX. thanks! Steve
1 4189 0
by John Henley

Formhost.htm in LSF9?      

Started By  ShawnV
Does anyone know how to open a Lawson form from an .html page in LSF9 We have a bookmark that calls a .htm file which checks for the existance of the file.  If the file does not exist, it then opens up the AM00 screen. In 8.0.3 we used the following statement in our .htm file: window.location = '/lawson/portal/forms/formhost.htm_TKN=AM00.1&_PDL . . . . '. This would open up the AM00 screen in the portal window. However, in LSF9 the above statement comes back with a blank page and the error ...
0 4857 1

Defauling Company Number on a form      

Started By  Shane Jones
I think this should be easy in LSF 9.0.0. Anyone know an easy way to change PORTAL so that a form will defaul it the company number.   We only have one number but have to type it EVERY time.   (I have modifed hr11.1.xml but did not see anything there for the company number (hight have missed it....) Thoughts   Shane
7 5032 0
by Jimmy Chiu

MSS Personal actions How to Limit the reasons      

Started By  omer
Hi Does anyone know how to Limit the reasons that are displayed on the perosnal action page to a sub set I know they code are extratced by a DME call in paactionssdv.js function GetPcodes(selectValue) {  if(pCodes.length && lastPcodeSelect==selectValue)   Perform(pCodes)  else  {    pCodes = new Array();   lastPcodeSelect = selectValue   var object   = new DMEObject(authUser.prodline,'PCODES')    object.out  = 'JAVASCRIPT'    object.index = 'pcoset1'    objec...
3 3814 0
by omer

EMSS Header Question      

Started By  Wade-T
We recently moved to the 9.0 Apps and updated our EMSS as well to 9.0.1. Now whenever we click on anything in EMSS we have to see the Lawson logo on the header bar.  Where can I go to get rid of the Lawson logo
6 4028 0
by John Henley

Coding a IOS API call in 4GL      

Started By  Roger French
I'd like to code a IOS API call within 4GL COBOL. I know the syntax of the IOS API, but I just don't know the syntax to call it from within COBOL. Has anyone done this before, and if so would you mind sharing your idea here   Thanks for your help, Roger
0 4303 0

AGS and new field in table      

Started By  Roger French
Hello, I've got a new field created in an existing Lawson table (BENEFICRY). I'll call it NEW-FIELD. The database dict has been rebuilt and the database reorged no problem. This is LSF9 with 8.1 apps including ESS using ORACLE. Trying to create an AGS call to push data to this new field. I'm using exisiting Lawson javascript to do it (actually, I'm using SHR002.htm.. the beneficiaries screen). I coded it something like this: ... ... 'BNF-NEW-FIELD1='  BenRec.n...
3 4071 0
by Deleted User

Token not found in GEN/EXECUTABLE      

Started By  Deleted User
I have an online progam that runs fine in LID. But in portal I get the error 'Token not found in GEN/EXECUTABLE'. I did a rngdbump on the EXECUTABLE file and verified the token is there. Not sure what is going on. Help is appreciated. Thanks. Things I've already tried: Recompiled program and all programs being invoked. Ran scrgen and xscrgen on program and invoked programs Verified program type is set to 'Four G/L'.
3 5599 0
by John Henley

User exit on HR14      

Started By  Balaji
we have written a begin user exit for HR14 to avoid the users from adding any new payrates for some pay codes, we want the users to use our custom forms to make any changes to pay rates. This works fine in LID, for some reason the user exit is never triggered from portal. we are on 803 env and 810 apps on a windows server.  Is it possible to animate a program from portal i have never done it before. Any info on this would be very helpful. Thanks
26 13976 0
by Balaji

Self Service difference: LSF9 env and Lawson 8.03      

Started By  JudeBac
Hi all, We changed some files in ESS MSS while in Lawson 8.03. We are migrating the environment from 8.03 to LS9. We will still be in Application 8.03. The consultant also installed the LSF9 Self Service. Is there a difference between the two Can I just copy over the ones that have changes from 8.03 to LSF9 Self Service folders that have changes are in portal, xbnnet and xhrnet of WEBDIR. Thank you all, CB
3 4272 0
by Deleted User

Modifying HTML in 9.0      

Started By  TRACY
We have recently upgraded from 8.03 to 9.0.6.  Our hope was to roll out more of the EMSS functionality such as direct deposit, tax withholding etc.  What we are finding is a need to change HTML on most of these to suit our company situation.  Does anyone have a suggestion for how they track modifications to EMSS, how do you ever know with each PT, version change what you have to change etc.  The only HTML in 8.0.3 we changed were annual enrollment screens, and that was a once a year deal.  Any ...
5 4025 0
by Jimmy Chiu

Best method of creating an opt-in collection point?      

Started By  Joe O'Toole
We need to create a simple 'opt-in' screen that our self service users will click off to constent to some company defined terms and conditions. The data could either go to a Lawson or non Lawson data repository. I'm thinking putting it in a Lawson user field that I could tie directly to the employee would be the best. Does anyone have a recommendation on the best way to accomplish creating this screen - perhaps a simple design studio form I would also like to have the ability in some cases to h...
7 3675 0
by Joe O'Toole

Page to list links fo files (created with variable concatenation)      

Started By  Shane Jones
I want to save a pdf report for managers on the Lawson server that would have non-confidential information on it.   The file could be named using thier employee number as below: 26104.pdf (Ideally I want to concatenate a bunch of values into a variable so that the file name and the link to the file will include more than just their employee number.) ALL I need help with this the web page that will pull the users: Employee, SS, ID, Birthdate and include them in a link th...
0 3649 0

ISAM files in LSF 9 / MF Cobol v 5.0      

Started By  Ragu Raghavan
On 8.03 env, when I created ISAM files, there used to be two files, the actual data file and another with an .idx extension.  I do not see the .idx files anymore on LSF9. Does anybody know how indexed files work now Is the index hidden in the file   Thanks. Ragu
1 3540 0
by Norm

Difference between 8x and 9x coding standards      

Started By  srikanth
Hello, I came across several instances where some custom code which works in 8x doesnt work in 9x applications. Here is one example of the same In 8x application custom code i can pair the API 850-FIND-NXT with 860-FIND-NXTRNG API. This code works in 8x. But when i move the same code to 9x application this code doenst work. So i have to code the correct pairing of the APIs. Recently i came across one more such case. Here are the details of the same. Th...
4 4863 0
by srikanth
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