Forum: S3 Customization/Development

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Report can't run in LBI      

Started By  LauraPat
HI - I need some help.  I had to create a cloned version of the Lawson IC145 in order to add additional fields to the report (I'm making an invoke to IC44 to grab the calculated fields that I need and displaying them onto the report).  The report works fine - the users have been running it for a couple weeks now in Portal.  However, they want to put this report on LBI and they keep getting an error that the report cannot be burst.  The user opened up a ticket with Infor who stated that IC145 (an...
0 3507 0

Custom IC145 - Pandemic Reporting      

Started By  LauraPat
Good Morning - wondering if anyone has already done this before I 'reinvent the wheel'.  I've been asked to add Current Average Daily Usage and Current Day's Supply On Hand to the existing Lawson-delivered IC145 report in order to do Pandemic reporting.  These fields are visible in IC44 form but according to Infor Support they are not included in any delivered report.  Because of the emergency need for Pandemic reporting - looking up every time individually, in IC44, is just not feasible or sust...
8 67617 2
by LauraPat


Started By  Ragu Raghavan
Env 10.0.9, Windows Apps: 10.0.MSP7 so I have this new custom 4GL screen. Works in LID and Portal. However when I try to do an AGS call from Design Studio or IPD, it bombs with a message : Check IOS.log for details. The log has these entries. Can anybody point me to where I should be troubleshooting I am able to do AGS calls on other screens, Lawson delivered or custom. Just this one screen bombs. Thanks.   2020-02-26 11:14:05,266 ERROR [lawson      ] TRANSACT...
1 63546 0
by Ragu Raghavan

How to find where invoked code is called      

Started By  LauraPat
We have a custom library that is a clone of a Lawson-delivered program.  It is invoked from within one of our custom programs - but we don't seem to know where so we aren't sure it is even needed anymore.  Can someone please refresh my memory on how to tell where the program is invoked from  I believe you do it using the 'lstinvk' command and possibly the '-A' option  I don't want to submit any compiles - I just want to determine what program is calling this custom program.  The cloned program...
1 68133 1
by Ragu Raghavan

Handling Unpaid Time in Payroll Processing      

Started By  maalimsimo
We have been having just a handful of employees with Unpaid Time hours each payroll and so it has been handled manually through PR36 fairly well. Now we need the process automated. We have set up a Pay Code (615) for Unpaid Time, presently as 'Hours Only' in PR20.4.  What we need is to somehow reduce the Regular Hours (and the Wages) by the Unpaid Hours. PR User Guide states that PR28 can be set up to create an 'Offset Rule' for the Salaried Employee group and run PR128 during the payroll pr...
0 3743 0

Default search field in AP20 drill around      

Started By  Alex
Our AP team came to me requesting an update to the Purchase Order drill around within AP20. Currently, when you drill into the PO field and attempt to do a search, it defaults the search field to '*Code'. To save a few clicks, the team would like for it to default to Purchase Order instead.   I attempted going into and changing the DEFINE SELECT      'Released Purchase Orders By PO Code' sections to re-order the fields. It looks like the change did apply successfully, because it bumped u...
0 4836 0

Database Inquiry using 850-FIND-NLT- returns the 'Next' record      

Started By  maalimsimo
I have created a new custom index to a custom table to access records through either 850-FIND-NLT- or 850-FIND-BEGRNG-.   The index has 2 numeric fields,one PIC 9(4)) and the other PIC 9(8) for date (format YYYMMDD). The next to last field is a PIC X(32) for names (e.g 'Adam Smith'), and the last field is numeric that I move zeroes as I populate the index:   MOVE STL-DIVISION              TO DB-DIVISION. MOVE STL-PAYROLL-DATE    TO DB-PAYROLL-DATE. MOVE STL-MGR-NAME           TO DB-MGR-NAM...
1 71665 0
by Ragu Raghavan

PHP scripts      

Started By  DavidV
We have about 20 CGI/PHP scripts that prompt the user to upload files from their PC for processing by Infor/Lawson jobs.   I used to load PHP5 into httpd.conf and run php scripts to accommodate.  With the update to WAS to 8.5.5.x that doesn't appear to be allowed any longer through WebSphere's HTTP server.  I tried to load PHP7 an it wouldn't load.  I then tried fastCGI and that won't work either.   Has anyone been able to accomplish this with WAS/WebSphere 8.5.5.x  Or have you used other tools...
0 5056 1

DBREORG failed: file already exists      

Started By  maalimsimo
We created a new custom table thru dbdef, followed by a blddbdict, but before the dbreorg was executed we  'CREATE'd the same table in Oracle and loaded some records. Now we know we should have waited for the dbreorg. When we attempted to run the dbreorg later, we got the error message 'File already exists'. We have since 'DROP'ped the file in Oracle, but a subsequent dbreorg says 'Cannot open lock file /law1/lsf/law/test/dictlock'. How do we get around this 'lock'   My search on this forum h...
1 68885 0
by JimY

loadrpts.cfg - does anyone have any information on it?      

Started By  Russell E
I ran loadrpts on a Windows 2012R2 server and I received Error: loadrpts.cfg not found. Abort loading reports from
1 67167 0
by SWilkins

New Report Added to Custom Report Program      

Started By  maalimsimo
After adding a new report to an existing .rpt program, adding the $PRINTFILE XXXXX to the workdef, adding lines to OPEN OUTPUT XXXXX-FILE and CLOSE XXXXX-FILE to the PD, when I run a job I am getting the message 'Unable to Open the Output File...'. Subsequently, my attempt to write to the Print file results in a longish error message 'No XRef for RptSub(3) to iXFFRef file - write ignored....'.I probably missed a step somewhere but I am not sure what. Any ideas
8 87563 2
by maalimsimo

508 file type      

Started By  Russell E
What is this file used for  It looks like the 508 files have the token, field number (from the xml), field name, current label and new label. I can't find any documentation on this type of file.
2 66069 0
by Russell E

Calling perl script from Cobol program      

Started By  maalimsimo
I have developed a perl script that  calls (and passes parameters) to a Sql script to create a report from Lawson tables. Now, I need to call this perl script from some basic Cobol program to pass parameters to the perl script (example Company, Date Range, etc). I have done this at a past job many years in the past but I am unable to get help from there. I know that we had a custom pdlib and wslib files to do this. The pdlib basically had a 'Call 'system' using .....' statement', which for me is...
2 65544 0
by maalimsimo

Customizing PR195      

Started By  PD
The PR195 report (csv) has almost everything that I need except PayType. I am sure the delivered program can be modified to bring in the needed field, the question is where do I start
1 67805 1
by Ragu Raghavan

Customizing PR195      

Started By  PD
The PR195 report (csv) has almost everything that I need except PayType. I am sure the delivered program can be modified to bring in the needed field, the question is where do I start
0 3563 1

Custom Lawson tables using Addins      

Started By  JudeBac
I have a new custom table ZACCT with fields COMPANY, ACCTUNIT, ACCOUNT, SUBACCOUNT, all derived from GLMASTER. My plan is for our AP users to use excel addins to add records. Can I copy a similar program and replaced the field names or should I start from scratch using pgmdef Any pgmdef for dummies is much appreciated.   Thanks
7 67618 2
by JudeBac

How do I generate CSV output from batch program?      

Started By  Woozy
We use an external scheduler to launch S3 batch jobs from the command line using wtsubmit or jqsubmit.  After the jobs finish, we want to retrieve the .csv file from the $LAWDIR/print directory, but these files don't appear to exist until a user opens Print Manager and clicks the 'Create CSV' button, which our automated scheduler can't do. Is there a way for us to trigger the creation of the CSV file from the command line, or some other way to make this happen The programs we are running ...
6 75619 1
by PD

how to call UNIX script from tokendef      

Started By  Lilyb
We're migrating from UNIX platform to Windows, and have tons of UNIX scripts.  I can run the shell scripts from LID prompt just like on UNIX after running initluu.  However, when I define the script in tokendef, it will not run.  Does anyone know how to make UNIX script to run with tokendef   Thanks.
5 71198 0
by Japheth

LSO Scripting for newbie      

Started By  sadams
Hello all, I'm new to LSO scripting using Jscript.Net to add ability to Lawson forms.  I have written some beginning scripts to move fields and add labels etc.  I have some programming background, but don't know where to find more information/examples.  Any help would be appreciated. Thanks sadams
0 4946 0

Jobdef "Job Not Found" error      

Started By  maalimsimo
We have just upgraded to Lawson 10 and while most of our custom jobs are running as expected, we are have a few challenges. We have a job defined in jobdef for a batch user 'pcnprd', but then a korn shell script to run the job is giving the error 'Job not found in JOB table for User.' I have deleted and recreated the job in jobdef multiple times, and even created a brand new job with a different name but I still get the very same error.   Any thoughts on this
1 66672 0
by maalimsimo

Paint Screen - Job Title retrieval for job-code      

Started By  Deleted User
Hi all,  Sorry if I'm missing something simple.   Trying to paint a custom screen that goes with a custom table.  Custom table is simply job-code, chg-min, chg-max.  I'm developing a Paint Screen form that has job-code, title (output only:  description from job-code table), chg-min, chg-max.  In the form I've developed,  I populate the job-code, chg-min and ch-max then click A (Add) and *then* the title appears.  I'd like the title to appear after the user types the job-code and presses Tab.   ...
3 68887 1
by Ragu Raghavan

Portal changes location of literal      

Started By  Stuart Perkins
How can I control the placement of text on portal on a batch program parameter screen  Literal text after the fields explaining their use is being moved too far left to be useful.
1 68876 0
by Stuart Perkins


Started By  Carla Ferrari
Hi, Has anyone come up with a customization request form that they would be kind enough to share I'm trying to centralize and formalize the way the user community requests customizations to forms, portal pages, process flow, etc. Thanks! Carla
0 3907 0

Distribution Group      

Started By  Chesca
We created a multistep job that runs MA236 for different users. Reports are run and supposed to be distributed to users and are available to view in their print managers. The problem is that only one of the users is able to see the report. The other 17 users/buyers can't see the reports in their print manager queue in Portal.  I can go into Print Manager and see the reports in each user's queue, but they can't. Any suggestions
7 76663 1
by mthedford

Add Custom Tables to Lawson Data Dictionary      

Started By  Lawson_Tech
Any KBs please post to me 'Add Custom Tables to Lawson Data Dictionary'
2 68243 0
by Kwane McNeal
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