Forum: S3 Customization/Development

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Reading database files in RPG      

Started By  dbB
We have custom RPG codes built over the Lawson application. In version 9.0 can we directly READ or UPDATE database files by using these RPG commands like we are doing currently. Or do we have to use APIs for it
1 3704 0
by Sam Simpson

MSS-required fields      

Started By  thanef
In MSS on the personnel action change page, is there a way to make the Reason codes required  Currently you can submit an action without selecting something from that pull down box.  I'm on 9.0 apps and environment.
1 3550 0
by Deleted User

Form Transer Creation in Portal      

Started By  DianaE
Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone has already gone through this process and may be able to help me out. We currently use FlexForm for printing our AP and payroll checks. In LID, we setup a Form Transfer (F8) (in the User tab) that accesses Environment Form ID's that we created.  These form's access/run .bat scripts (on the Windows server) that create the formating and print our checks. We want to move our users to Portal and I cannot find any Lawson documentation on how to recreate this LID proce...
2 4438 0
by DianaE

LID not loading forms      

Started By  Anur
Some of the lawson screens(Standard& Custom) are not getting loaded in LID whereas it is getting loaded in portal To be very specific I added a field in Lawson screen . It stopped showing up in LID whereas in portal I was able to add/delete/change Can anyone help me
1 3844 0
by Roger French

ESS javascript code getElementsByTagName and nodeValue      

Started By  JudeBac
I can't seem to make this work. I put an alert to vDmeString and tested it. It returns one row properly, however the next codes either gives me error messages methods not supported, null or not an object. Can you please help me fix the code below The code is for ../xhrnet/personnelactions/pactions.htm. I cannot use jsreturn since it opens up a new frame list. I just need to get the code's description and put it into an input type text field.     var vProd = authUser.prodline;     var vDm...
5 4797 0
by JudeBac

Help on self.jsreturn.record[] or DME      

Started By  JudeBac
Greetings all, See attached. Not sure how I am going to word this but here goes: In MSS Personnel Actions, we have created a new action. Once you select that action and click 'Continue', a simple new selection field will appear. This is a drop down field. It will list the DESCRIPTION but will return the CODE. Now I added a text field next to this drop down field that will show the DESCRIPTION of the CODE. I can get the value of the CODE field using: var obj = self.main.document.getElementById...
2 4437 0
by JudeBac

tokendef to call batch file fails      

Started By  John Costa
I'm on LSF, Windows Server 2003, SQL-Server 2005, with my apps and web products on one box (WCHLAWAPP01) and my database on another (WCHLAWDB01). I'm trying to use tokendef to call a batch file that resides on my app server.  Within the batch file is a SQL command that I use to kick off an interface on the database server.  Running the batch file directly from a DOS cmd prompt results in a successful execution with no errors.  However, running it from a job definition within Lawson to e...
10 6253 0
by John Costa

DME calls from RSS      

Started By  rmingo
I need to do a DME call from RSS and I do not know the new language well, I have tried several things but I do not know what the syntax should be in XSL for DME call.
3 4284 0
by rmingo

Drill Around Customization      

Started By  Deleted User
We would like to customize the search functionality in a drill around.  As an example when you: 1. Go into HR11 2.  Click on the drill for employees 3.  Click on Search ... We would like the Case sensitive check box to default to unchecked and the keyboard focus to be set to the criteria box.
12 7107 0
by John Henley

Is there a way to access a Lawson jobname in a shell script?      

Started By  wilcoxmad
In a COBOL program you can use the Lawson defined variable 'CRT-JOB-NAME'  to refrence the job that is calling the program.  Is there a way to do the same in a script that is called by a user defined Lawson form I need to know the jobname of a multi-step job that runs a program and then runs a script to copy a printfile from that program. In order to copy the printfile, I need to know the jobname because it is part of the path where the printfile resides.
2 3873 0
by John Henley

Force Inquire form function      

Started By  Al Miller
Developed a Mass Batch Release (4GL) form much like AP25 only it does not require a COMPANY (or any other field). It lists all AP batches that are 'UnReleased'. The first thing a user must do is Inquire. Is there a way for me to make the form Inquire immediate upon launch Al
2 3550 0
by Al Miller

GL90 Drill Around      

Started By  Dave
In LSF9, GL90, there are two drill arounds,  Account Transactions - Amounts, and one for Units.  This returns oldest transactions first.  I would like to to reverse the sort order to present most recent first.  The is using GLTSET3.  Has anyone created a rule to reverse the order  Thanks.
1 4422 0
by John Henley

Filter API      

Started By  ARaja
Can i use the field in the index as filter criteria as below  STRING '((GLT-ACCT-PERIOD >= ) AND'    DELIMITED BY SIZE                  '(GLT-ACCT-PERIOD <= ) AND'    DELIMITED BY SIZE                  '(GLT-FISCAL-YEAR  = ))'       DELIMITED BY SIZE                                                                INTO FILTER-STRING.     PERFORM 890-CREATE-FILTER.     MOVE PRM-FR-ACCT-PERIOD           TO NUMERIC-FILTER-VALUE.     PERFORM 890-SET-NUMERIC-FILTER-VALUE. ...
10 5382 0
by ARaja

Field Help      

Started By  ARaja
Is it possible to have a field help for the translation field Thanks in advance, Raja
5 4499 0
by ARaja

Calling a Batch Program      

Started By  Dave
Is there a way for one batch program to call another batch program (Unix environment)  Thanks.
2 4325 0
by Pramod Chandra

Lawson Report      

Started By  ARaja
Recently i developed a Lawson custom report. The report doesn't have any key parameters. Simply it has years and the periods as it's parameter, so the report runs for longer time. Anybody has a suggestion on how to reduce the report processing time Thanks in Advance, Raja
6 6845 0
by ARaja

Key number not working      

Started By  srikanth
Hello, I m not able to access GLSYSTEM from using the key COMPANY-01. I have defined a RULE but it is not returning any value. I dont see any rules, selects with COMPANY-01 key and GLSYSTEM file in Is there any constraint on this thanks in advance... Srikanth
2 4278 0
by srikanth

Importance of .dtl file for a report      

Started By  srikanth
Hello, Can someone tell  me what is the importance of the .dtl file when the report is created How the .dtl file is created and what is the use of it thanks in Advance. Srikanth
7 7008 0
by John Henley

URL for SSOServlet?_action=LOGOUT      

Started By  Mike Schlenk
Does anyone know what parameters to send to the SSOServlet if I want to make a logout link  I want to specify a returnURL when doing a LOGOUT action.
2 5955 0
by Mike Schlenk

Automate daily interface of gltransrel files from ftp server      

Started By  Deleted User
I am looking for information on how to automate the import of multiple interface files from our Lawson ftp server into the gltransrel table.  I am looking at the importdb utility, but there does not appear to be a way from that utility to import multiple files in a single pass.  I would like to have Lawson make a daily, or even hourly pass through the ftp to pick up any files that are out there.  Can a recdef job be defined here possibly as a solution.
1 3977 0
by John Henley

Apps 8.0.3 lsf 9.0.0 to Apps 9.0.0 lsf 9.01      

Started By  Elizabeth Ardito
I am in the process of migrating our custom programs from applicaton 8.0.3, env lsf to application 9.0.0, env lsf 9.01. We have a custom process that lists on a form the available pay codes for the position class (this also includes a custom table with a relation to the PACLASS table).  The form is in the pr system code and accesses the PACLASS table, POSITION-CLASS field as a select.  I am able to successfuly compile the program.  When I access the form, I am unable to ha...
1 3856 0
by Norm

Help Desk password reset tool?      

Started By  Mike Schlenk
We're implementing LSF9 now.  I'm working on Help Desk procedures for portal password resets.  I'm told the only option is the Lawson Security Administrator. I'd rather not have to install that on the Help Desk PCs.  I'd much rather create a web or shell script but I'm told it can't be done. I've thought about writing my own web to talk to LDAP but I don't want to mess things up.  Has anyone else faced this sort of thing
29 23746 0
by Mike Schlenk

change the work directory for a program      

Started By  pit
Hi, Is it possible to change the directory where a program stores it's temporary work files Currently our programs, during execution, create lots of small files in the $LAWDIR//work directory. I'd like one specific porgram create the files in $LAWDIR//work/XT100. Is it possible to do such change without any program customization If not, dos the change require lots of coding Kind Regards, Pit
3 5681 0
by Sam Simpson

apdistrib diff's between 7.x and 9.x      

Started By  Dave
I have a request from our Finance department to make a change to APDISTRIB in LSF9 on a couple of fields.  Current values are creating problems in some of their AP reports and their GL190.   Wondering if anyone has received a similar request and how you handled it. They would like to create an external process to replace values reported in LSF9 to the values that used to be there in version 7.x.   The change was made in 8.x. 1.  Description field.  replace the item-number which cur...
3 4086 0
by John Henley

Customizing Plan Names in ESS Annual Benefits Enrollment      

Started By  Anthony
I'm trying to identify how to change the benefit plan names that are displayed in ESS.  I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction as to how to structure the javascript in order to replace the plan names that are called from the base app and replace them with clearer plan names. any assistance is greatly appreciated
2 4346 1
by Anthony
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