Forum: S3 Customization/Development

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.dtl File Error: Bad Screen Rules      

Started By  srikanth
Hi all,   I am getting the following errow while running a custom program. I am getting my output correctly but the examine log has this error. .dtl File Error: Bad Screen Rules I checked the .sr and .or  files, they are empty.  And the program doesnt need any screen rules.. any help Regards, Srikanth K
2 5475 0
by srikanth

Logan trasnfer menus      

Started By  Roger French
During an upgrade from 8.0.3 to 9.0 LSF, somehow the installers did not dump/copy the menus correctly for any of the ED screens. So, for example, none of the ED screens (edi) can be launched directly from command line (e.g. lapm logan ed330). The message is: Server Terminated: Windows does not allow form id transfer. Tried tokendef in 9.0, and dumping ed menus from 8.0.3.... Anyways I used to know how/where to define the ability to allow screens to be launched directly from command line or tra...
0 5972 0

EDI perl script      

Started By  Sam Simpson
I have cloned an EDI inbound perl script and put into the directory where the old script is located in logan/edi_bin. I then changed ED10 to the name of the script and ran ED502 to translate an inbound file. I'm getting a log error:           ERROR: Translation Failure. Did I have the correct steps or any missing steps  Do I need to compile the perl script How I'm not so familliar with EDI but I can do perl. The changed I made is just a simple one line statement that add a field to th...
1 6198 0
by Sam Simpson

storeDBRec error      

Started By  srikanth
Hi, we are upgrading from 7.2.4 to 8.1.0. One of our custom program updates a key field. I mean SET1 updates one of the key feild in SET3. SET3 has key change option set to 'no'. This works fine in 7.2.4   But the same code doesnt work in 8.1.0. It gives storeDb rec error. Is there any limitation in 8.1.0 for not updating the key fields Any help please.. Regards, Srikanth K
1 5108 0
by John Henley

ADODB AGS RQ10 Call      

Started By  Deleted User
I am attempting to do an AGS call on RQ10. I have tried several different things. It seems to want to have me inquire first however this is going to be a brand new requisition. I have used ADODB to do updates of APVENMAST however those are just updates and not inserts. Does someone have an example Here is what I am trying right now. . . . 'Create a blank requisition cmdLAW = New ADODB.Command rsLAW = New ADODB.Recordset strAGS = 'ags:_PDL=' &...
4 6901 0
by Deleted User

Move Customization to Prod      

Started By  G. Monaghan
I came from an SAP environment and have been working with Lawson for a year. In SAP when you created customization and tested it in DEV, we could 'transport' all modified changes. In Lawson I recently had to create a new payroll company which included HR, benefits, absence management, cashbook etc. so have made changes to a total of almost 100 screens. My testing was completed successfuly in the DEV environment. Is there any way to move all my customizations to production without having to m...
6 13288 0
by G. Monaghan

Subform Menu Question      

Started By  klippe
I am developing a custom version of the AP16.1 Vendor Bank form called CZ16.1 to invoke a custom processflow trigger. The problem is the AP10 Vendor form has a 'Subforms' menu at the top of the screen. The second item in the menu list is 'Vendor Bank'. When clicked, the AP16.1 form appears. I don't want that to happen. I need my custom version (CZ16.1) to appear. Any idea how to change which form appears I looked through the AP10 compile references to AP16.1. ...
1 12659 0
by John Henley

Scrgen Error - Memory Fault      

Started By  Deleted User
Hi All, Good Morning! When I try to compile the screen file .scr it issues the following error sh: 27036 Memory fault(coredump) Could any one help me to solve the error Thanks Karthik
2 13650 0
by Franky

LSF 9 upgrade question      

Started By  Deleted User
Hello All I would like to know if it is possible to customize & introduce multi threading with the standard Lawson supplied Java program (like, So that, each thread can handle specified set of data range. For example, is customized to handle 5 threads and... Thread 1 handles xx rows based on COMPANY key value from 1..100 Thread 2 handles yy rows based on COMPANY key value from 101..200 Thread 3 handles zz rows based on COMPANY key value from 201....
1 12610 0
by Deleted User

Creation of Text File      

Started By  Deleted User
Hi I am in the process of customizing a batch report for employee's deduction. In that for special type of deduction I need to write in a text file . Can anyone let me know what are the steps I need to follow to achieve the said objective. Thanks in Advance
4 12808 1
by John Henley

Database / Tables      

Started By  Deleted User
Hi, I need to capture the following data for all the employees a. Federal Marital Status b. Federal exemption c. Fedral Allowances d. State Marital Status e. State Exemption f. State Allowances g. Local Marital Status h. Local Exemption i. Local Allowances j. Federal Exemption Status We are using Lawson 9.0. Can anybody let me know from which database/tables these fields are defined. Thanks in Advance
3 16481 0
by John Henley

LSF9 TDS etc      

Started By  Greg Moeller
All: Recently we have moved to LSF9 from 803 env. Back in the 803 env I had developed a report in Crystal to get the user id's and group membership from LOGAN and added the supervisor code from the HRSUPER table. Now that LOGAN is no longer able to provide this information, I was wondering if there was a recommended way to get this information from TDS where it exists now Is there an ODBC connection, or native Oracle connection available to connect to TDS and if so, woul...
3 12253 0
by John Henley

Add URL Button to Form      

Started By  L G
Hi I would like to know if it is possible to add a button to a form like HR11 The functionality is similar to the one we use to launch other forms On click of the button it should open the URL (dynamic adding parameters like employee and company ) in IE Is this possible in LID using MF-COBOL The URL is not needed to be stored in the database Just that the URL will be built dynamically from within HR11 and on click of the button it will need to launch the built URL in IE ...
3 13925 0
by L G

Object Id - link between tables      

Started By  Deleted User
GSC advised us to remove a row in pay rate hist table due to a bug. I noticed that this row had an object id with corresponding records in hrhistory and persacthst. Wouldn't I need to remove the corresponding rows in those other 2 tables also If yes, what could have happened if I did not remove them
1 14066 0
by John Henley

SQL for finding counts of employees reporting under supervisor      

Started By  Shasidhar Vemireddy
I am trying to develop a SQL logic that will fetch the counts of employees direct and indirect under supervisor across all levels in a company.I have hot wall with the PL/SQL logic. Can anyone tell me if such a logic was developed and how it was developed
6 17021 0
by Shasidhar Vemireddy

Page Transfer Inconsistency      

Started By  jangins101
Hey, I'm having an issue with transferring pages. In using a Name Search (ZIAB) screen to find an applicant number, I transfer to another page (ZI31) using a speecific applicant, and (since it's a customized page), I only see the supplemental data, and the Lawson data fields are empty. After that, if I try to do any Inquiry on any applicant on the screen, I get a status bar message saying 'Value not in list:N,Y,X,1,2,3,4,5'. Any ideas on what that means or how to fix it (It also happens on Next...
6 13162 0
by jangins101

Paint Program with page Up page down      

Started By  L G
Could someone explain to me how to paint a program which has functionality similar to HR10 page up and page down to fetch records Even the relevant code sample in HR10 would suffice Thanks
11 15996 0
by Sam Simpson

Default Advanced Search in RSS      

Started By  Todd
I am looking to default our users to the 'advanced search' rather than the normal 'search' within RSS. Our users seem to expect the normal search to function more like the 'Word Finder' option under the advanced search. I tried changing the code within itemSearch.htm and itemSearch.js, but have not had any luck other than getting the advanced search to show up on the left side, but 'search' is defaulted. Thanks
0 13122 0

FIND-NEXT in 8.1.0      

Started By  Venkatarajamani Raman
We are upgrading from Lawson 7.2.4 to 8.1.0. We have a custom on line program with 'N'ext, 'P'revious,'I'nquire, 'A'dd, 'C'hange and 'D'elete buttons. While clicking on 'N'ext button, the following error appears 'tsFindNxtDBRec error is File position not valid for nxt prv find 114 ' I have checked up the table and the index is there. I have checked up the table for records. There are 3 records available. Can someone help
1 13894 0
by John Henley

Transaction Service Calls      

Started By  Deleted User
Hi all - We just upgraded to LSF9 (9002) on HP-UX with 803 apps. Prior to the upgrade, we had Remote IOS installed on a Windows server, and made AGS calls to a form on the app server. Well, AGS has been replaced, and I have the URL down to make the transaction call successfully. However, we have to manually interact with the web login screen for authentication. Does anyone know how to bypass that or pass the credentials in the URL Thanks a ton in advance, Nicole
1 14883 0
by John Henley

Scripts within cobol      

Started By  Sam Simpson
We are in the process of testing 803 in an AIX environment. We are having a lot of issues but one particular cobol program that has been working in solaris it seems does not work in AIX. Here's the situation: We have a cobol program that has a call to a simple ksh script as the last statement. The cobol routines is working fine except the called script is not working at all(this is a simple rename and move). However, when you call the script thru LID it is working as it should. Is ther...
3 13093 0
by John Henley

Create CSV from custom report      

Started By  Karl Kemp
Has anyone ever ran into an issue similar to this, and if so what did you do I have created 2 or 3 'custom' reports. They run fine and generate the desired output. However, when I try to genereate a CSV file from the PRTMGR in LID, the CSV File selection is not 'selectable'. I'm thinking there might be a parameter within the report form that has to be set This action works fine in the standard Lawson apps, so it must be something that I have omitted. Thanks!
7 16671 0
by Karl Kemp

4GL, Fixed Length Record with Trailing spaces      

Started By  pvhmc
Writing out a data file using 4GL. Each line in my file is fixed width of 750 characters. But the last populated field is at character 650. The remaining fields are populated with spaces. When I define the workfile to be TAPE, the line of my file ends at 650 (last non-space character). I need the file to place the carriage return-line feed at 750. Is there a pure 4GL way to accomplish this. (I am not going to be able to script this out on Unix after the fact.) I know I could make t...
3 13620 0
by Sam Simpson

SQL server command to remove 2 from column      

Started By  Deleted User
I tried update lawson.PRMONITOR set LP140_RUN_FLG = null but it does not allow nulls...we need to get prmonitor reset to take the 2 out of the column any ideas I was not about to do the pgmdef changes that gsc requested since I do not have c access.
2 12788 0
by Deleted User

Running a Lawson Utility from a BAT File      

Started By  Deleted User
Any ideas on how to run a Lawson utility from a windows batch file Thanks
1 12908 0
by John Henley
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