Forum: S3 Customization/Development

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HTML/Javascript DME function for LOGAN      

Started By  Roger French
I'm doing some portal customizations where I need to use the DME() function. I've used it OK before with application productlines with no issues, but I need to use it to query some LOGAN tables. I've tried various things within the DME function, but it's not working. It is always bombing out on the data.js function. I've reviewed it several times but haven't figured it out yet. Does anyone have an example of a javascript function where it successfully works by querying LOGAN Do I need...
3 6700 0
by Scott Perrier

Barcode on Lawson Printed Form      

Started By  Robert Spurr
Does anyone know if it is possible to include a barcode on a Lawson printed report  In my case they want a barcoded version of the PO Number on the Delivery Document.  I've already look at RAD and it barcodes the tracking number. Thanks
4 6065 1
by Deleted User

Remove a User Exit      

Started By  Roger French
I've got a User Exit for a program that's linked to a Lawson program. I compiled it OK. Now I don't want to use the user exit any longer. How do I unlink it or 'uncompile' it Do I remove the PD and the WS Or some other step Or do I recompile the Lawson program that uses the User Exit Thank you, Roger
2 3743 0
by Roger French

PA531 - how to change 800-OPENINPUTCSV-APLLOADCSV path and file name      

Started By  Tim Simmons
I know how to assign a path and file name to a PA531 job by using the jobdef CSV File Attributes, but what if the CSV file is dynamically named I need to load a third-party created file of applicants.  The file will be dropped off to our FTP site daily with the date imbedded in the file name. I want to modify the PA531 to read the file based on the run date. How can i handle the file name so the 800-OPENINPUTCSV-APLLOAD can recognize it Thanks for your help! Tim
2 3525 0
by jaherb

date calc API/routine      

Started By  Chesca
Is there a routine/API to return the last day in a given month or return a date such as 1/31/2014
2 3699 0
by Chesca


Started By  Ronnie
Is there another area in LID where things are defined for programs inside of LID We have a custom program an ex employee wrote, but are finding lines that say for example PERFORM 780-DISPLAY-MESSAGE but when you look in the program you dont see this defined anywhere. Is there something I am missing I have looked all in the program...all the options, the working storage, etc etc etc. Thoughts
2 4956 0
by Woozy

LP35 Paint Screen      

Started By  Chesca
My users have asked me to create a paint screen for LP35 to delete records from last year and right now the only way to get rid of them is to delete each line individually. I created the paint screen, I can page fwd and find records but I can't select values in the employee or employee group field. No ecords to select from.
2 4110 0
by Chesca

Remove last four digits of SS Nbr From Printable Pay Stub      

Started By  JimY
I have been asked to remove the Social Security number from the Printable Pay Stub.  It is showing the last four digits and they don't want that.  Has anybody done this and would you be willing to share with me how  Thank you.
0 3366 0

Working with Messages      

Started By  BrianM
I have created a clone of PA340 and pretty much gutted out what I didn't need.  When I go into pgmdef and go into the message definition for this program I got rid of the messages I didn't need.  My question is this . . . .  the messages that are left are all the messages that were with the original PA340.  Can I just modify the messages OR do I need to leave the existing messages as they are, then create a new message number and make my changes there  I don't want to cause any problems with an...
3 3432 0
by BrianM

Double Quotes on Empty fields in 4gl CSV file      

Started By  Nancy
I have written a 4gl program to output a csv file as an extract for one of our vendors.    My problem is that the vendor wants double quotes around all fields in the file - even it the field has nothing in it. With quote char defaulted - everything in the file has double quotes around it except the fields without values. I tried setting the quote-char to low-values and manually stringing the doube quotes in front and behind each of fields. This did not correct the problem...
5 4172 0
by Donna Wirt

HTTPS Post Response - Kaiser CAMS      

Started By  Woozy
I'm looking for some help with an HTTPS POST Response issue. Our company offers Kaiser Permanente (California) as one of our health benefits options for a subset of our workforce.  Kaiser is implementing a new (required) step for employees that elect this plan during the enrollment process.  Basically, if an employee elects the Kaiser plan in ESS, we are required to redirect them to the Kaiser website so they can read and accept/reject their arbitration agreement. The only option t...
0 3728 0


Started By  Chesca
I want to write to code to look at hrhistory to find out if the employee FTE changed. I need to know the field number from the data dictionary, where would I find the data dictionary
4 4375 0
by jaherb

.Net 4.5 SSO / Authentication to Lawson 9 or 10.0 Request for Examples      

Started By  JasonP
I am looking to connect .Net to Lawson to use AGS calls or query data from a .Net web application.  Does anyone have any code samples that do this that they could share.  Also, does there need to be any special setup in Lawson to allow it.  I have found the follow link, but Ive tried to piece it together with no luck. Thanks,
0 3951 0

Calculate prior year      

Started By  Chesca
Hello everybody, is there an API to calculate the prior year Do I need to convert year to Julian and can I just subtract 1 from the current year
2 3682 0
by Chesca

Sort File for Online Update Form?      

Started By  Woozy
We have a customized online update form (copy of BS31 - Web Pending Benefit Enrollments), and the business would like to have this custom form sorted by StartDate/PlanType/PlanCode rather than PlanType/PlanCode/StartDate.  The source table is BNBEN which does not have an index the matches their request. Is it possible and reasonable to use a sort file to re-sequence the data for an online update form like this  I'm thinking 'no', but thought I'd ask the question. Does anyone have ...
7 3906 0
by jaherb

Effective date the employee became benefit eligible      

Started By  Chesca
I have a custom program that is incorrectly calculating retro accruals for an employee. I need to modify my code that it looks back to the effective date the employee became benefits eligible to calculate retro accruals. I am thinking about looking in HRHISTORY. Is there any other table/file I can look at to find out the effective date employee became eligible for benefits Any suggestions
2 3503 0
by Chesca

.scr file modifications      

Started By  BrianM
I have a new program that I am creating and am having a heck of a time with the last line on the screen.  My code looks like this on the .scr file: |                  Company:&          ;                              ; | |               Date Range:&      -  &      | |            Process Level:[     ]    ;                              ; |       (ALL if left blank) I want the '(ALL if left blank)' to show up on the line just below 'Process Level'.  When I bring th...
17 5331 0
by jaherb

Absence Management      

Started By  Chesca
Does anybody know what table or screen would tell me if an employee is enrolled in absence plan/structure
2 3711 0
by Chesca

Help accessing data returned by a DME call      

Started By  Shelby
I am new to HTML/Javascript coding in Lawson S3. I have been asked to replace the use of cycles.htm with a BS06 AGS call in the benefit enrollment (ESS) calculations for mid-year new hires. However, I think a DME call to the BNCYCDTL table will be easier since I only need to retrieve the number of cycles remaining (and not do any type of updating). I can run my DME query in Excel Add-ins and get the one record that I need. But when I try to add the DME code in elect_ben_06.htm I cannot find the ...
6 12821 0
by Shelby

dburf on custom paint program      

Started By  L G
When i try to run dburf on a custom paint program it doesn't work. It works with clones of standard programs but doesn't work on paint programs. Anyone know how i should generate compile / or add in the program logic so that dburf can work with the program.
2 4001 0
by jaherb

4GL command button to launch HR13.3      

Started By  Woozy
I have a custom form, and I want to add a command button to each detail record pointing to HR13.3, similar to how the BN32 does it. I have created the button and pointed it to HR13.3, but when I inquire the button disappears. I've added matching keys to the .scr. What am I doing wrong What determines whether a button shows or not Thanks. Kelly
7 6242 0
by jaherb

HR11 AGS Call User Fields      

Started By  Judy Consoli
Has anyone used the AGS call from html/javascript for updating fields on the User Field Tab
1 3630 0
by John Henley

Employee Status change      

Started By  Chesca
I am writing custom code to calculate accruals based on the employee's FTE and  annual hours. When employees switch from full time to part-time, I need to know what their FTE was when he/she was full time. I was originally looking in HRHISTORY but I noticed we don't have a record in HRHISTORY for a change in FTE. It only shows the updated FTE value. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
3 4806 0
by jaherb

can't run/submit any jobs      

Started By  Chesca
Hello, I am trying to run a program and get the following error: Scheduler: timeout on message from server  invalid server response calling: /cgi-lawson/xjobctr.exe We have already tried bringing system down (stop and start), deleting the job, recovering the job. I also check in the jobqueue and it's there with a status = 22. any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
1 4405 0
by Chesca


Started By  Chesca
Does anybody know if I can use PRTIME to report a breakdown of salary information for an employee within a specific time period
5 4404 0
by Deleted User
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