Can PR514 be used to mass load W-4 changes?

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Our 3rd party provider has requested that we explore the posibility of using XML files in place of the pdf files that we use presently as (manual) input for PR13 (Employee Taxes).  

The idea is to somehow automate the process.

We can parse the xml files in IPA to generate a csv file that should generally be formatted  like DEDLOADCSV (for PR514). Some questions:1. Can PR514 handle Tax withholding changes?  2. If so, how do we specify what values to place in the columns  'NextAmount', 'BalanceType','DedPriority', etc.? Has anyone been able to generate a DEDLOADCSV file for W-4 changes successfully?. 3. So far we have been able to generate a placeholder csv file in /emailattachments, just for proof of concept. Where should we create the file that should form the input into PR514?

Any other relevant information will be certainly helpful.



Ragu Raghavan
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If using PR514, the default file location is $LAWDIR/productline/work/DEDLOADCSV/DEDLOADCSV on the S3 server.
I have not used PR514 to import into PR13. Interesting that the documentation says "not for tax deductions" -
Run Employee Deduction Master Load (PR514) to import non-benefit, non-tax employee deduction data
end quote:

If you are using IPA anyway, why not an AGS call to PR13?
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Thanks, Ragu. That was a very good suggestion. I made quite some good progress, and even added PR14 in the flow for good measure! Apparently the State of Arizona uses percentages (of gross taxable wages) for Tax withholding and not absolute figures. So their changes are handled by PR14.

Now, I have some issue with Additional Tax Code/Additional Amount on PR13. One record I am processing fails with the error "Must enter Additional Amount', but there is no Additional Amount in the record. Somehow, there is "EDM_ADDL_TAX_CODEr0 = 2" that appears in the log and I have no clue how it is getting there. My javascript if-else construct results in a space for the Tax_Code:

Evaluating JavaScript expression taxCode = '';

if (formType === 'FEDERAL' {
    if (ForEach_StandardTaxForm_FED_ADDTL_AMT) {
        if (ForEach_StandardTaxForm_FED_ADDTL_AMT > '0.00' {
             taxCode = '02';
}  else {
    if (ForEach_StandardTaxForm_ST_ADDTL_AMT) {
        if (ForEach_StandardTaxForm_ST_ADDTL_AMT > '0.00' {
            taxCode = '02';
}; to value 



Here is the AGS call to PR13:



Here is a snippet of the log:

LwsnTxn9670_TAX_LOCATIONS = Tax Locations
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_EMPLOYEE = 147151
LwsnTxn9670_EMP_FULL_NAME = Xyz, Abc
LwsnTxn9670_STATE_BUTTON = State Rpt
LwsnTxn9670_EMP_TAX_STATE = AR
LwsnTxn9670_PSA_DESCRIPTION = Arkansas
LwsnTxn9670_PSA1_DESCRIPTION = Arkansas
LwsnTxn9670_EMP_TAX_COUNTY = 
LwsnTxn9670_EMP_WORK_COUNTY = 
LwsnTxn9670_PRX_DESCRIPTION_1 = 
LwsnTxn9670_EMP_TAX_CITY = 
LwsnTxn9670_EMP_WORK_CITY = 
LwsnTxn9670_EMP_TAX_SCHOOL = 
LwsnTxn9670_EMP_WORK_SCHOOL = 
LwsnTxn9670_EMP_WC_STATE = AR
LwsnTxn9670_PSA2_DESCRIPTION = Arkansas
LwsnTxn9670_EMP_EIC_STATUS = 
LwsnTxn9670_GROUP_TYPE =    BSI
LwsnTxn9670_EMP_BSI_GROUP = 
LwsnTxn9670_TAX_FREQUENCY = 
LwsnTxn9670_PT_FROM_PR134 = 
LwsnTxn9670_EFFECT_DATE = 
LwsnTxn9670_END_DATE = 
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_USER_ID = 
LwsnTxn9670_DETAIL_SIZE = 4
LwsnTxn9670_LINE_FCr0 = C
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_DED_CODEr0 = 001
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_DED_CODE_SVr0 = 001
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_RES_CODEr0 = Y
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_MARITAL_STATUSr0 = 1
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_EXEMPTIONSr0 = 1
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_EXEMPT_AMOUNTr0 = 
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_TAX_EXEMPT_FLGr0 = 
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_CERT_CODEr0 = 
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_DED_PRIr0 = 1
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_SUB_PRIr0 = 0
LwsnTxn9670_ADDL_EXEMPTIONS_TABr0 = Addl Exemptions2
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_PERS_EXEMPTSr0 = 
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_ADDL_EXEMPTSr0 = 
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_ADDL_EXEMP_AMTr0 = 
LwsnTxn9670_ADDL_TAX_INFO_TABr0 = Tax Info 10
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_ADDL_TAX_CODEr0 = 2
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_ADDL_TAX_CODEr0_XLT = Addtl Amt; Tax not > txbl wage
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_ADDL_RATEr0 = 
LwsnTxn9670_EDM_ADDL_AMOUNTr0 = 

Ragu Raghavan
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Did you try entering the same info manually via PR13 and see if you get the same results?
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I just tried making the change in PR13 and it worked without a problem.
Ragu Raghavan
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I would use Fiddler or some similar tool to capture the call when done manually and compare it field by field to the AGS call generated by your flow
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I forgot to paste the PR13 screen shot. As you can see, there is a FEDERAL WITHHOLDING change prior to the STATE (Arkansas) change. The FED line has an 'ADDL_TAX_AMOUNT' amount change that worked ok.  Is it possible that the FED change somehow 'bleeds' into the STATE change as I am using 'r0' through all the the iterations?


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I used Fiddler to capture the call (see screen shot below). The STATE line being the second 'detail' line has 'r1'. I read in another posting on this forum that 'r0' should work in all detail lines when one makes AGS calls (in all cases). Well, back to the drawing board..... Any ideas will be appreciated..


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I got it to work fine. I populated the 'r0' line for 'FEDERAL WITHHOLDING' and set the LineFcCode to 'C' for FED and a space for 'STATE'., then populated the 'r1' line for 'STATE', set the STATE LineFcCode to 'C' and a space for FED. 


Thannd fot your help, Ragu

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I realize you have this working but did want to add that I’ve used PR514 to update Federal Tax with holdings in the past with success. There are fields which match the ones on PR13 and it’s fairly easy to setup.

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I have a fairly rare situation in our shop: An employee has an "Additional Amount" withholding that is NOT changing but has a change elsewhere on the PR13 form. The XML has no figure for the Additional Amount as it is not changing, so code is sending a zero.
I get the error "Must Enter Additional Amount".
When I make the same change manually in PR13, Fiddler shows that the field has the existing value : 20.00

Any idea what a work-around could be?