I added the following two functions and SRC references to the ESS Benefits Enrollment disp_ben_01.htm file to retrieve and update the HL_COV_PROOF field in the PAEMPLOYEE table. Both functions die at the DME and AGS call which causes Benefits Enrollment to display continuously a "Processing..." message. Does anyone know why I am experiencing this issue with my DME and AGS calls? function getSpouseHealthCoverageHR11() { var dmeObj = new DMEObject(authUser.prodline, "paemployee"); dmeObj.out = "JAVASCRIPT"; dmeObj.prod = authUser.prodline; dmeObj.field = "hl-cov-proof" dmeObj.max = "1"; dmeObj.otmmax = "1"; dmeObj.key = parseInt(authUser.company,10) +"="+ parseInt(authUser.employee,10); dmeObj.func = ""; parent.DME(dmeObj,"jsreturn"); if (parent.jsreturn.record[0].hl-cov-proof == 'N') return 'checked'; else return ''; } function updateSpouseHealthCoverageHR11() { var tmp='Y'; if (self.document.getElementById("SpouseCoverage").checked == true) tmp='N'; var obj = new parent.AGSObject(parent.prodline,"HR11.1") obj.event="CHG" obj.rtn="DATA" obj.longNames=true obj.tds=false obj.field="FC=C" + "&EMP-COMPANY=" + escape(parent.company) + "&EMP-EMPLOYEE=" + escape(parent.employee) + "&PEM-HL-COV-PROOF=" + tmp + "&EFFECT-DATE=" + ymdtoday obj.func="" obj.debug=false parent.AGS(obj,"jsreturn") }